By now everyone has heard (and seen videos) of the Ice Bucket - TopicsExpress


By now everyone has heard (and seen videos) of the Ice Bucket Challenge, a campaign to bring awareness and funding for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. It is pretty simple: you get called out a video to either a) make a donation to ALS, b) dump a bucket of ice water on your head, or c) do both. Well, during today’s Tough Mudder run, Brett Quencer and I decided go radical. Instead of dumping a tiny little bucket of ice water on our heads, we did a plunge into the “Arctic Enema”, a giant dumpster sized tank of ice water where you were required to completely submerge and go under a barrier before you could get out. Here we go… Brett and I challenge Dominic Zoeller, Adam Beebe, Tom Valentine, Karl Ieuter, Michael White, and Chris Tointon to take the Ice Bucket Challenge. Normally you get only 24 hours to respond, however as this is getting posted late on Saturday night, we extend the challenge an extra 24 hours. Ice to be dumped and/or donations made before 9:00 PM Monday. Proof required. Enjoy the video.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 01:33:58 +0000

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