By now, my parents, friends, few of my colleagues and the office - TopicsExpress


By now, my parents, friends, few of my colleagues and the office assistant knows, what I get to eat every day, the classic sambhar- rice….. The deteriorating pg food had made my tummy go for a toss…. I have been struggling for few weeks now…. Saturday- a lazy, boring start of the weekend for me, I hoped to get a relief from the daily menu for dinner for once at least… …Irritated by the stale smelling daily menu, my pg inmates and I decided to have dinner from outside. After a relishing stomach full dinner from a nearby restaurant, we decided to walk back home(pg)…. In order to digest the palatable dinner While walking down the busy streets of Bangalore, lit with streetlights, moving vehicles and busy people, a man got the courage to physically abuse my friend who was walking right in front of me…. I saw it coming. He did the inappropriate act and walked away casually, as if nothing happened… my friend just stood there in shock …. Without having a second thought… I abused him in all the languages I knew. He just shrugged and walked past me..I tried to catch hold of him.. and stop him… but he pushed me away and ran…. I ran after him… took him by his collar… he hit me…. Yes he did hit me hard, in front of many mortal men standing around enjoying the whole drama…. He ran again…. And I ran after him… thankfully an old uncle and his bearded friend realized what was happening around and got hold of the man… they thrashed him.. slapped him.. hit him…. Soon, I realized we were surrounded by men… a crowd who just chose to be mere watcher of the situation…. The miscreant started pleading .. apologizing… we decided to call the cops…. The old uncle asked us to slap the man… but what will we get by slapping him? Will it stop him from doing the same thing to someone else? I was angry.. agitated...I started shivering…I didnt know what to do.. I looked around and noticed people (men) staring at me and my friends questioningly… as if we 3 girls were the ones to be blamed…. As if, we were dressed inappropriately… we shouldn’t have been walking in the night… we provoked him to do so.. they were more interested in knowing how he molested her.. no one questioned the culprit… no one showed rage against the culprit… or take any serious action against him… they were simply staring at us with doubting eyes… No, no my dear friends, this message is not to boast about my heroism….Im no hero.... But it’s a question to the society… How provoking is it, to walk in a group wearing full sleeved kurta….. how unsafe is to walk on a crowded road, for a man to take advantage of a girl… What wrong did a 3 year old girl do, to get raped by mongrel? What wrong did a pregnant lady do to get hit my a drunkard husband? It is very easy to just pass a comment on a girl… or to judge someone on the basis of her attire… stare at her accusingly when she is being assaulted…. The abused could have been your mother, daughter.. sister, girlfriend or wife… would you just do nothing when something happens to them? Would you just sit around and accuse her for being a woman? Highly disappointed by the youth standing there watching the whole situation… none had the guts to combat or come to our rescue… A big thank you and salute to the uncle and his friend who showed the courage to come forward and react….. Men.. who are you? what are you?. I fail to understand…. where are your morals… have you lost humanity… have you become insensitive to the injustice happening around you…… Girls… you shouldn’t be afraid to raise your voices to the injustice happening around… you are not meant to satisfy someone’s male fantasies… you are strong and you have the right and the freedom to walk around freely, enjoy life… just like men do
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 19:39:03 +0000

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