CATHOLIC BIBLICAL INSTRUCTORS UNION (C.B.I.U) BADAGRY REGION PRESENTS A 40DAY BEGINNING OF THE YR. 2015 PRAYER PROGRAM THEME: 2015, MY YEAR OF VICTORY BY ABIDING IN CHRIST (JN.15:5) FROM TUESDAY 13TH JANUARY – SATURDAY 21ST FEBRUARY 2015 CONDITIONS FOR A REWARDING FASTING AND PRAYER: 1. Go to confession and make peace with God. 2. Forgive all that offended you. 3. Fast from (6am-12noon) or (6am-3pm) or (6am-6pm) daily except on Sundays which you will fast for Holy Communion. But if you are on drug or pregnant say 20 decades of Rosary. 4. Cultivate the habit of giving especially to the needy. 5. Book thanksgiving masses to usher in God’s blessings 6. Attend mass daily or as many as possible 7. Adore Him at the CHAPEL for 1 hour at least twice a week. 8. Involve Blessed Virgin Mary with 5 decades of Rosary daily. 9. Write your petitions and worship songs in envelops as stated below: 1st Envelop: List out what God did for you in 2014. 2nd Envelop: What you want in 2015. Pray for manifestation of your expectations daily. 3rd Envelop: What you do not want in 2015. Pray to cancel and reject them daily. 4th Envelop: Write your 7 best Praise & Worship SONGS. Worship God daily with your songs especially during midnight. He will be moved to manifest in that your ugly situation. Note: The 2nd and the 3rd envelops will be burn after agreement prayer on the closing day (21st February, 2015) so come with them. 10. Do not eat what belongs to God. Therefore, bring your fasting proceeds to the weekly closing days in your branch or you add it up and bring it on General (deanery) closing day. 11. Read and meditate on the daily reading from your bible. 12. Attend your branch weekly closing as announce in your branch but preferably on prayer meeting days. DAILY PRAYER POINTS AND MEDITATION VERSES: DAY1 TUE. Enter His Gate With Thanksgiving (Psa. 100): Oh God my father, I thank you for the gift of life and for making it possible for me and my family to witness this year in Jesus name. DAY2 WED. Thank God For His Deeds (1Chr. 16:8): Thank God for all His blessings and favours received last year and for what He will do for you this year. Read Psa. 9 DAY3 THU. Thank God For His Power and strength (Psa. 107: 29-43): Thank God for His sustenance throughout last year and His power and might upon you this year. DAY4 FRI. Be Washed (2Chr. 7:14): Oh God my father, by the power in the blood of Jesus cleanse me and my land from every acquired and inherited sins in Jesus name. Plead the blood of Jesus 21 times DAY5 SAT. God Has Something Against You (1Joh. 1:8-9): O Lord, by your mercy forgive me all my sins and set me free from its consequences in Jesus name. Read Psa. 51 DAY6 SUN. Forgive One Another (Mark 11:25): Oh God, give me the grace to forgive those that sinned against me sincerely in Jesus name. DAY7 MON. The Promise Of The Spirit (Joh. 14:26): Thou Holy spirit, my greatest friend, give me the understanding of God’s precepts and to do His will in Jesus name. DAY8 TUE. The Glory To Be Revealed (Rom. 8:26): Oh Holy Spirit my comforter, teach me how to pray and strengthen me in my weakness in Jesus name. DAY9 WED. Life In The Spirit (Joel 2:28): Lord, grant me the grace to be fervent and diligent in spirit in Jesus name. DAY10 THU. Deliver me, O Lord, From Hidden enemies (Psa. 55:20-21): O Lord deliver me from every unfriendly friends and household enemies in Jesus name DAY11 FRI. The Counsel Of Ahithophel Shall Not Stand (2Sam. 15:31): Oh lord turn the evil plans and counsel of my enemies into foolishness in Jesus name. DAY12 SAT. The Great Contender (Isa. 49:25-26) Oh God my father, fight every of my battle this year and give me victory in Jesus name DAY13 SUN. Let The Blood Settle It (Rev. 12:11) Oh Lord by the auction of the blood of your son Jesus Christ let every curses, yokes, hereditary seals, satanic pronouncements, bonds, covenants, dedications, initiations, known and unknown be broken by the fire of the Holy ghost in Jesus name. Plead the Blood of Jesus 21 times DAY14 MON. A Living Hope (1Pet1:3-5): my father, give me a new life in you this year in Jesus name. DAY15 TUE. Forgetting The Past (Phil. 3:13-14): Oh God let your grace abound in me that I will let go of what is behind and work for your kingdom this year in Jesus name DAY16 WED. Proclaim the gospel (Mtt. 13:53-54): Father, give me the boldness to preach and do your will without shame in Jesus name. DAY17 THU. Give Me The Grace To Follow (Pro. 3:5-6): Oh God my father, show me the path to take this year in jesus name. DAY18 FRI. Seek His Glory (Jn.7:18): Lord, cause me to soak and saturate in the rivers of your glory DAY19 SAT. Vain Glory (Jer. 9:23-24): Lord, do not allow me to glory in vain things of life DAY20 SUN. Divide Your Red Sea (Exo. 14:21): Lord, cause me to walk in faith with you this year in Jesus name. DAY21 MON. There is power in prayer (Phil. 4:6): Oh God my father, give me the power to overcome every spirit of prayerlessness in Jesus name. DAY22 TUE. Everything Has A Season(Ecc. 3:1): Oh God my father in accordance with your word in Jer. 29:11 make this year my season of all round victory over every spiritual, marital and financial limitations in my life in Jesus name DAY23 WED. You are a witness (Jn. 1:7): Oh Lord, help me to be a light onto others anywhere I am this year in Jesus name. DAY24 THU. Beware Of Greed (Lk.12:15): Oh Lord, my God, may I be contented with what I have in Jesus name. DAY25 FRI. Peace Ambassador (Mtt.22:37-40): Oh God, Make me an instrument of peace and teach me to love until it hurts in Jesus name. DAY26 SAT. Measure To Measure (2Cor.9:6-7): O Lord, give me the spirit of giving and make me to be generous in Jesus name. DAY27 SUN. You Are Unstoppable (2Pet1:10): Oh Lord my God, give me the wisdom to make wealth in Jesus name. DAY28 MON. I shall not want (Psa. 23:1): lord, because I am in you, cause me to be fruitful this year in Jesus name. DAY29 TUE. Offload your burben (Mtt. 11:28): My father, my father, grant me rest from all my labours and burdens in Jesus name. DAY30 WED. Work of my hands, reject manipulation (Isa. 65:23): Oh God my father, make all my labour this year to be fruitful & may I live long to enjoy the fruit of my labour in Jesus name DAY31 THU. A new turnaround life (Isa. 43:19): Oh God my father, do a new thing in my life and family this year in Jesus name DAY32 FRI. My year of multiplication (Deu. 7:13): Oh God my father, bless me this year uncommonly in Jesus name. DAY33 SAT. Divine Protection (Ps. 31:23-24): My father, preserve me and my family throughout this year in Jesus name. DAY34 SUN. The Pillar Of Fire (Exo. 13:21-22): My father, my father, let your pillar of fire surround me and my family all the time in Jesus name DAY35 MON. You have the keys (Isa. 22:22): Lord, help me to discover the great keys deposited in me in Jesus name. DAY36 TUE. God Merciful Love endures (Lam. 3:22-24): Oh God, let your compassion be upon me and my household all the days of this year in Jesus name. DAY37 WED. Hope In God (Isa. 40:31): My father, give me the grace to put all my trust and hope in you and let your plans for me this year come to manifestation in Jesus name. DAY38 THU. A New Heart (Ez. 36:25-28): O Lord, my father, may you always be my God and empower me to be a doer of your word and see you in my neighbors in Jesus name. DAY39 FRI. God’s Timing Is Perfect (Jam. 1:2-3, 12): Oh God, give me the grace to endure till the end in Jesus name DAY40 SAT. Abiding In Christ (John 15:1-8): REFLECTIONS: DO YOU WANT TO WALK FAITHFULLY IN HIS STEP? Abiding in Christ is the answer. The more we abide in Christ, the more we will have peace, victory over sin, hear His voice clearer and experience His presence in all we do. HOW AM I TO ABIDE IN CHRIST? You gave yourself to God, to be His wholly, to serve and obey Him and you take Christ as your saviour. By faith you became Christ’s and by faith you are to grow up in Him by Giving and Taking. You are to GIVE all, your heart, your will, your service, -give yourself to Him to obey all His requirements and you must TAKE all, -Christ, the fullness of all blessing, to abide in your heart, to be your strength, your righteousness and your everlasting helper. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Going through the year, do not be anxious for anything. God makes all things beautiful in His time, not our time. More so, John15:5 says “He who abide in me and I abide in him bears much fruit, for without me you can do nothing”. Commit your request into the hand of God. Be involved in active and dedicative service unto the Lord in your branch. Pursue your calling and purpose. It is inevitable not to be fruitful if you dwell in God. Do not live 2015 independent of God, for without Him we cannot bear fruit. PRAYER: I don’t care to know how many years the tears in my life has lasted or the ugly conditions in my life but I speak the word of God in Isa. 49:25 which says “Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken, and the prey of the tyrant be rescued, for I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children” and I DECLARE as I had partook in this 40 days prayer and fasting program, The God of Victory will not forsake me as St. Paul said in 1Cor.15:57 saying “But thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” in Jesus name. Amen PLEASE NOTE: This 40days will end with 3 days camping from Thursday 19th February to Saturday 21st February, 2015. The venue will be communicated later. Thank you. DEDICATED TO DIVINE MERCY - JESUS I TRUST IN YOU
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 12:32:54 +0000

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