CHANGE IS POSSIBLE BEING SPEECH DELIVERED BY ENGR. RABI’U MUSA KWANKWASO,FNSE, LEADING APC PRESIDENTIAL ASPIRANT, AT THE FORMAL COMMISSIONING OF “ KWANKWASO FOR PRESIDENT 2015” NATIONAL CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS IN ABUJA ON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 11 , 2014. Your Excellencies, distinguished Nigerians, ladies and gentlemen, permit me to begin by expressing my profound gratitude to God Almighty and to the multitude of compatriots, admirers and our party members that have travelled from across the length and breadth of our country and others who sacrifice their valuable time to attend today’s formal opening of the ´Kwankwaso for President 2015” national campaign headquarters. Today’s formal opening of our national campaign secretariat mark the official flag off our campaign facilities and infrastructure to effect a change in our dear country. Our message: CHANGE IS POSSIBLE. No investment or sacrifice is too much to engender positive, dynamic and progressive change in our great country and for the happiness and prosperity of our people. We are the Change. We are determined not only to make it possible; we all must make it doable and achievable. Yes, CHANGE IS POSSIBLE. Distinguished ladies and Gentleman, my crave to serve and save our country drove me to join partisan politics. The call to save our dear country has never been more challenging, louder, clearer and more unambiguous than now. Every facet of our national life is deteriorating: governance has been reduced to mediocrity, incompetence, impunity and feet–dragging. We must confront and defeat all the challenges, however daunting, monstrous and self-generated. The first priority of this country at this moment is restoring peace and security in every corner of the land, particular in many parts of the North. We are unreservedly committed to protecting and securing lives and properties of all Nigerians. Boko Haram and all forms of insurgency must be defeated. It is widespread belief among Nigerians that the present PDP Administration is demonstrating inadequate commitment and sincerity in the fight against insurgency. For our part, we believe that a different and better approach is required. We are committed to ensuring that our military are better mobilized, adequately equipped, specially motivated and professional fine-tuned. We shall work hard to secure a credible and durable ceasefire using an effective carrot and stick approach to ensure that the insurgency takes a reverse course. Part of our priority will be to secure the confidence, understanding and support of local communities to ensure their maximum cooperation with intelligence agencies and create an atmosphere of trust in government good intentions. Sufficient arrangement will be made to put in place a Marshall Plan for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the areas affected by the insurgency. Government is established for the security, welfare and happiness of the people. It is on public record that what I have done and still doing as governor of Kano State, to assist victims of insurgency, cannot be matched by any individual, groups or government. CHANGE IS POSSIBLE. The second priority of this country, my compatriots, is to fatally attack the cankerworm of corruption that has eaten so deeply into the very fabric of our system. Corruption as we all know is anti-developmental; corruption devalues human conscience; mortgages our future for a transient present; and proliferates the network syndrome. We shall do a surgical and radical review of the existing anti-corruption agencies, encourage and support whistle –blowing, create special courts to try cases of corruption and rebuild our value system at all levels of human organization. The next priority is the economy. Nations do not build responsive economies on a foundation of inadequate power supply, marginalized informal sectors, unfulfilled promises and cronyism in the private sector, inefficiency in the public sector, corruption and lack of accountability in our oil sector, and rascality in governance. For instance state government should be allowed and encouraged to generate and distribute electricity. Our government shall work very deligently to increase the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR), and become more prudent in spending with a view to ensuring that close to 75% of the budget will be allocated to Capital and Development projects. Our country is moving steadily towards a strong two-party system. Ideological differences is good for our emerging democratic culture. As at now, there are unique differences in the Manifesto of major political parties. The differences will become clearer as our democratic journey advance. We want to seize this opportunity once again, to call on our brothers and sisters in the PDP and other parties, who are sincerely inclined for change, and those who are denied a level playing field and are unappreciated for who they are and what they have labored and contributed, to come and join the APC. They are assured of warm reception, equal opportunity, a level playing field and adequate appreciation and reward for efforts. Finally, if we Nigerians want to think at all, we might as well think big. Our heroes past dreamt big, thought big and acted honorably. Let our democracy advance, let our leaders lead right, let the followers demand for accountability from leadership. Let us all be seen to be sincerely committed to improving the lives and welfare of all our people. Let us enhance our performance and build a solid legacy for our country. Let us work together to change our attitude for the better, and always remember that truth, compassion and hard work build a prosperous nation. CHANGE IS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU GOD BLESS.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 00:02:46 +0000

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