CHANGE is EASY... its the decision to change that we struggle - TopicsExpress


CHANGE is EASY... its the decision to change that we struggle with. You probably know what you need to do to change, and doing it, really isnt that hard. If you want a healthier body, eat better and exercise more. If you want more money, create more value, speak to more people and sell more stuff. If you want more intimate relationships, forgive more freely, communicate moreand invest daily into your love. The challenge we face with change is that to our subconscious mind CHANGE represents DANGER... and so it fights to keep us from doing anything that will cause something new or different to show up in our world. This internal resistance makes easy change feel hard. So in order for lasting change to happen we need LEVERAGE. The PAIN of staying the same needs to be GREATER than the pain we go through in order to change. We must be uncomfortable with what has been our comfort zone. What this means is we need to be so frustrated with what we are currently experiencing in our body, money and relationship that staying the same is no longer an option. When this magical point of frustration comes, and we create an intention and plan for what we want, the actions to move forward and create that change come naturally. But our COMMITMENT LEVEL must be greater than the level of resistance we must move through to create the change. When we have that commitment, leverage and support, combined with the right strategy, than following through and taking the right steps becomes natural. This is why coaches, trainers, accountability partners, support groups are so important to creating the momentum for lasting change. CHANGE is possible... in fact its easy, when you have the right leverage and the right support. - Gerald Rogers You have one life to live, Live BIG. #livebig PS. If youre interested in experiencing massive positive change in your life, join me for our next 3 day Live BIG on May 29-31. message me for details.
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 17:00:30 +0000

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