CHRISTIAN HISTORY AND THE UNIVERSAL MESSAGE OF GOD - ISLAM There are countless Western non-Muslim accounts of added and removed versus - even a Wikipedia article which documents the verses removed from Bible in modern copies/translations though even worse is the history. The Bible was created in 325 by the Council of Nicaea ordained by the new convert emperor Constantine who disliked the disagreement between monotheists that said Jesus is a prophet or the Trinitarian godhead belief. After setting the church dogma at that point on Trinity, Christianity also went under a merger with European pagan beliefs which is why everyone knows about the origins of Christmas being December 25th and these are talked about yearly, even around the dinner table growing up as a Christian (I used to talk about this as a Christian but maybe not everyone did). Up until 187 the leader of the Church believed Jesus was only a prophet (see Arian Heresy). The Trinity doctrine was sealed in 325 and all books (and people) that disagreed were burned. They chose the 4 gospels out of 300+. Also the four gospels (and every book in actuality) of the BIble are Author = Unknnown. Have you ever heard of the mysterious Q that is the missing link since Gospels such as Matt are a third person where it many times saws And Jesus sat with Matt and said and they have no idea who is narrating the story, who orated it to the next person and who actually wrote it down... this is fact. Quick Pamphlet / Mini Book: islampl/isthebiblegodsword Wiki: NPR did an article: In contrast the Jews and Christians were awaiting a prophet in the early 600s... Salman al-Farsi a Christian Scholar travelled to Medinah to await the prophet and recognized the city from scripture. Abdullah ibn Salaim a Jewish head rabbi also met and accepted the prophet as Jews were also waiting for the coming... Salman the Christian Scholar: ALL THE PROPHETS had the same message which is why Moses never said God is 3 or demanded people pray to Jesus nor did Noah and so on... One Message All Prophets: ISLAAM.PW is my site but we have 24/7 chat if you want to chat - you may even get me sometime FINALLY - keep an open heart and seek to please God not parents, society or what not. 12+ years ago I was honestly curious about how to follow God AUTHENTICALLY and in truth... I was at the time a Born Again Christian but refused to deny the research and facts. I converted to Islam because it is the truth and only to please God. This should be every humans intention and desire for a personal relationship with God. Brief Illustrated Guide to Islam (easy, quick and with pictures): islam-guide If you have any questions feel free to message me
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 15:12:51 +0000

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