CHRISTMAS: Another compound word relating to a specific period of - TopicsExpress


CHRISTMAS: Another compound word relating to a specific period of time, namely December 25. Christmas, or as some write, “Xmas,” has nothing to do with Scripture. In fact, just the opposite is true, as the facts prove. It is the introduction of yet more error. The word Christmas is from 2 words Christ & Mass. The Mass, in the Catholic rite, is actually the celebration of our Saviors death, not His birth nor His resurrection. Referencing a Catholic source, The Catholic Almanac, we find this quote, “the Mass is the renewal of His Passion & death, which is perpetuated in the Mass, Christ is immolated upon the alter at Mass.” Referencing Webster’s dictionary we find, “immolate” means, to sacrifice; especially, to kill or offer as a sacrifice. This sacrifice or more correctly termed “massacre” is done every time the Mass is celebrated. This philosophy is in total contradiction to Scripture. The Scripture tells us that our Savior offered Himself once, for all. Hebrews 10:10 To immolate him at every Mass is to make him a victim repeatedly perpetuating his death. How ironic his birth should be commemorated under such a guise! The deceived of the world ignorantly rally in the birth of our Savior when, it has nothing to do with his birth at all but instead subjects him to continual death in every Mass. This deception serves to annihilate truth with a masquerade filled with a spirit of joy & festivity. When unmasquing Christmas, we find it literally identifies CHRIST’s MASsacre or the “Massacre of Christ.” Since the color black generally commemorates death, could this be the reason why the clergy wears black? The Mass in essence, is the expression of the creature (the priest) manifesting control of the Creator, a complete reversal of Scriptural teaching. Uniquely, there is no command anywhere in Scripture to commemorate Our savor’s birth, so where would this tradition come from? For that answer you must look to paganism… Additionally, Christmas also commemorates the destruction of the Sacred Temple in 70 A.D., when swine were sacrificed to pagan gods on the alter. For this reason is the “Christmas ham” a traditional meal. December 25th also commemorates sun worship, celebration the rebirth of the sun and the winter solstice. Ironically December 25th is the birthday of Mithras, another pagan god, commemorating a pagan festival, all tied to sun worship and the cult of Mithraism. Not a shed of correlation to the true faith of Scripture. NOEL: Is another compound word used with reference to the same time of year as “Xmas.” Understand that Xmas is literally the elimination of the true deity, replacing him with substitutes while he is continually immolated (killed) at every Catholic Mass. We see that same identification in the word NOEL. In this season many rejoice and give allegiance to other false gods, turning away from the very truth and only essence of life that can keep them free. Crucified again through the ignorance of the masses who have been deceived by their teachers, just as their ancestors of old, they ignorantly cry out there wishes. . . No El, . . No El, . . . No El, . . . Over and over again. EL: Is the abbreviated form of the Hebrew word Elohim which means, “The Mighty One” and is found in many names of Hebrew origin such as Daniel, Michael, Joel, Israel, etc. “No” simply means, no! It is a word indicating rejection. To state it in the vernacular “No El” would be, No Elohim! . . . No Elohim! . . . No Elohim! . . . No God! . . . No God! . . . No God! Rejoicing in celebration of His Mass . . . His Massacre. How many times have you heard self righteous folks say, “How could they have crucified him? I wouldn’t have had I been there.” Yet they do the very same as their actions demonstrate and all without thinking! This, my friends, is Christianity today, entrenched in paganism so deeply that anyone with a smattering of education and a whisper of conscience can easily identify for them selves what it truly is. Although one may take issue with the points raised in this discussion, there are numerous points of reference all pointing to one direction, not to truths of Scripture, but to paganism, lock, stock and barrel! If there were to be an issue regarding one point or another, the overwhelming majority still point in the same direction. The weight of evidence speaks emphatically to anyone who can be honest with themselves. To claim that Christianity espouses truth, when it actually masques the truth and embraces something else is a deceptive lie and will never produce the same results. “Come out of her My People, be ye not partakers of her sins and receive not of her plagues” . . . so say the Scriptures in the book of Revelation 18:4. How will you choose?” ~Christianity Unmasqued, pg. 38-40 More info, book orders, chapter excerpts, click here: ordercu/
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 04:37:43 +0000

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