CHURCH OF THE MIND The Millisecond Radar Detector Here is - TopicsExpress


CHURCH OF THE MIND The Millisecond Radar Detector Here is Pastor Soko. I did not think I have been babbling anything of much import until I received several inbox mails asking me what was the message for this week. In fact, I had written something only to lose it by a wrong Facebook click. I was too lazy to rewrite the whole thing over. So, I went for a walk, where I was inspired by the moon and I shared the feelings with friends and foes alike. Let us talk about communication, which is a function of the mind. This is a wide area and we are going to talk simple. We and other sentient beings communicate to convey a message. Our lower relatives are, by instincts, very clear about the messages they send for mating, superiority, inferiority, threats or willingness to fight. We humans also send the same messages but often camouflage them, courtesy of the development of additional upper brain, which is both a great gift and a curse. Some people hypothesize that the fine tuning of the babbling of our hunter-gatherer ancestor humanoids into coherent language helped develop the human upper brain. So, in a few relatively short thousand of years we have developed languages in which we covey messages. The challenge is that the instinctual mode of communication that took millions of years to evolve has not gone away. Often the two modes travel in diverse directions. There is verbal communications, and there is non-verbal communications. A person may be saying one thing but parts of the body may be saying a different thing. Or a change in tone of voice may be saying the opposite. A certain look may tell you something about what the other person is thinking about you. A tilting of the head, placement of the arms or change in breathing are all instinctual communication mode that often we dont even know we are doing it. Verbal communication form only a small percentage of the truth. If you dont want to be bamboozled, be conscious and pull out your millisecond radar detector to see through the core of your subject. Often people are quick to realize that they are conflicted and as quickly want to hide the fact. Once you have detected , it may be a telltale sign that your interest is in jeopardy. So, make sure you are not a sucker.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 04:40:11 +0000

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