CLARIFICATION ON GDSF DATES FOR 2015 FROM GDSF MANAGING DIRECTOR, MARTIN OLIVER In recent weeks we have been asked why the dates for the 2015 show fall in September and not in August. Most of our regular visitors will know that the GDSF has for many, many years (probably over 30 years) been held on the Wednesday to Sunday following the August Bank Holiday Monday each year. In this regard the dates for 2015 are therefore 2nd – 6th September being that Bank Holiday Monday falls on the last day of August, this being 31st August 2015. Quite simply, the date of Bank Holiday Monday always relies on how the calendar falls. In 2014 Bank Holiday Monday fell on the earliest date it can be on 25th August meaning that the GDSF was held on Wed 27th – Sun 31st August. Conversely, in 2015 Bank Holiday Monday is the latest it can be on 31st August. The calendar always goes on an irregular cycle whereby Bank Holiday Monday can slip back either one or two days in a year or can jump forward by several days (actually by 6 days in 2015) in one year, there seems to be no regular pattern. Interestingly, an identical situation existed in 2008 and 2009 whereby in 2008 the GDSF was held on 27th – 31st August and in 2009 on 2nd – 6th September. It is, of course, unfortunate that the date of Bank Holiday Monday moves around but the situation has been no different at the GDSF for over 30 years when Bank Holiday Monday was chosen as the point in the calendar to immediately precede when the GDSF took place. (Previously to this the GDSF was originally held on the third weekend in September). There has been some suggestion that as organisers we have decided to “move” the dates of the 2015 show to be in September. Clearly we have not done so, it just happens that in 2015 the irregular calendar cycle (as above) means that Bank Holiday Monday is 31st August and the show therefore falls into September. I fully recognise that the dates for the 2015 show are not ideal for some people. For us as organisers we are equally as frustrated as when August Bank Holiday falls “late” this invariably inconveniences those people with children as in some parts of the country schools go back GDSF week. Some people have therefore asked why we cannot bring the show forward a week in 2015 to include the Bank Holiday Weekend? Unfortunately it is not as simple as just bringing the show forward a week. The main reason is that many of our exhibitors, trade stand holders and showmen attend regular shows and rallies throughout the country over the bank holiday weekend and there would be a significant risk of many of them not being able to attend the GDSF if we moved dates to coincide with the bank holiday weekend. Any calendar date change would also have significant consequences on the availability of site contractors (some important contractors currently come to us after bank holiday events and others are already tied into 3 year deals with dates fixed). I do hope that I have explained why the GDSF takes place when it does and the difficulties involved in considering a date change away from the traditional Wednesday to Sunday after August Bank Holiday Monday. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer. It is not straight forward and we are no different than many other events and fairs in the country which follow dates designated by when the calendar falls each year. A good example, are events that are always held over the Easter weekend, one year Easter can be as early as in March and in the middle of April the next year or sometimes in between. It’s just how the calendar works out. Having said all of the above I am always an advocate of “never saying never” and whilst the 2015 dates are fixed for the 2nd – 6th September I do feel that the matter merits a review for future consideration.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:02:30 +0000

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