CLUTTER CONTROL Look around your home, what is there that you no - TopicsExpress


CLUTTER CONTROL Look around your home, what is there that you no longer use? Take time to look at every object, every picture on the wall, as well as the dishes in your cabinet. As you look at each object, notice if it brings up any memories. If these memories are not positive, then consider removing the item from your home or changing the energy surrounding the object. As an example, you have vase that was given to you as a gift from someone you are no longer on friendly terms with. Every time you notice the vase, it stirs up the anger you feel towards that person. What an opportunity to acknowledge your feelings! How will you choose to face this issue? Perhaps you will attempt to amend the friendship. Maybe you will choose to look at the past situation in a different light allowing yourself to release the feelings of negativity. You may choose to sell or give away the object because it does not bring you joy or because it serves no function. Do this with all the things you own, including your clothes. If the object brings up negative energies, look at those energies and begin the healing process. Weed out things you do not like or no longer need. Watch the magic unfold as you release these items. This housecleaning will deeply affect your inner being, for at the same time, you will be cleaning out your belief codes and negative memories. Pay attention to what you bring into your home. Many of you are packrats, finding it hard to say no to anything offered to you. Look at the reasons behind this behavior. Others of you are shopaholics; you cant turn down a bargain, many times purchasing items as a means of medicating your pain. Go deep within and find what you need to get beyond these behaviors. Take the necessary steps to get your inner and outer world under your control. Create a happy, relaxed space where you can enjoy all who enter. Unused and unwanted items tend to have an overbearing energy when they are found in profusion. So, lighten up and enjoy your space! Peace unto you, Selamet! Cib 3 To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 16 at: mayanmessages.wordpress/mayan-message-days-14-26 Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 03:10:14 +0000

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