COM. ALUTA AY REACTION ON MAPOLY HUNTER ALLEGATION OF A MILLION NAIRA SCAM BY SUG AND BRIBING OF OTHER ARMS. Great Mapaite!!! I wouldnt have respond to the allegation level against the current SUG administration led by Comrade Bosuas but Allah will never forgive me if I hesitate to react to this false cooked story posted by Mr Hunter to render our administration useless before the reasonable Mapaites as the union treasurer in concern that must mandatorily certify any withdrawal from the union bank account. Articulate Mapaites!!! It is only that destiny wont permit 2/3rd of the current SUG executive members to come back to contest in mapoly SUG election, I know we could source for money to empower Mr Hunter to continue ringing the bell of our names in the hears of students which will draw their attention to our aspiration and affirm our existence. I refuse to be blackmail. I have only three questions for Mr Hunter and I will be very glad if you can provide appropriate answers to the questions -You claim to be a member of the current SUG, can you tell the whole world your position currently in the cabinet? -Can you tell the whole world when a million naira was withdraw from the union purse for the union chamber renovation? -Can you give us a particular evidence to convince everyone reading your weak write up written to blackmail us that the CJ was given #50,000, SRA #250,000 and each member of the union went home with #20,000 which you as a member of the union was not given that led to your voice out? Ever gallant mapaites!!! If we decided to spend the money spent on the SUG chamber renovation for our personal use mr hunter, who will question us except Allah? The union chamber was renovated last in 2011 and for Comrade Bosuas led team to deemed it fit to renovate the union chamber after three years of the previous renovation shouldnt be a blame on us as we acted sequel to the popular saying that to whom much is given to whom much is expected. A good democrat cant satisfy everybody, only to do his best and leave the rest to Allah. To all Mapaites that have trust in this administration, kindly ignore any rumor that a million of naira was spent on the union building renovation because it is just a propaganda plot against reformation forum by other. I am proud to be a reformer. May Almighty Allah forgive you and your followers Mr Hunter but if you and your followers fail to desist from defaming our character, be ready to face the wrath of Allah. Signed; Comrade Aluta Ay, SUG Treasurer 2013/2014. 08032212886 28adb201.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 21:44:24 +0000

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