COMPROMISE is the Highest Virtue of a Society that Values - TopicsExpress


COMPROMISE is the Highest Virtue of a Society that Values Relativism the Most ! PRINCIPLE is the Highest Virtue of a Society that Values Truth the Most. If you dont know the difference, you very likely belong to the former camp. Hello Honey Boo Boo. Liberals ~ who are always compromising truth for relative gain ~ deceive the public by purposefully blurring the lines & muddying the water -- just like Satan in the Garden of Eden: Did God REALLY say...? They spread doubt and present their preferred forbidden fruit ( healthcare is a right ) options not by getting their followers to UNDERSTAND reality, but rather, to get their followers to *IMAGINE* that they understand reality. Transforming all rational, fact-based alternative to their plans ( I.e. truthful analysis, principled reality, logic & reason ) into the Bogeyman is the final key to entrapping gullible minds into their perverted snare. Thus, Hope & Change eventually falls from its lofty, idealistic perch and becomes- empty Hype & burdensome Chains .. Not exactly the Nirvana promised ! Are politicians lying to you for their own selfish power & gain ? Y-E-S ! So, why in the world would you give them MORE Power ??? Cant you see how foolish that is ??? Again, thats why I say Liberal, Left-wing Politics is a religion -- a false religion of superstitious idolatry !!!!! You dont HAVE to believe in sick fairytales you know !! Try Jesus ! The Real Thing !!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:08:30 +0000

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