CONFESSION OF A SOUND MIND “Words of Light upon the Face of - TopicsExpress


CONFESSION OF A SOUND MIND “Words of Light upon the Face of Despair, Destruction, Distress, Doubt, Frustration, Hindrances, Ingratitude, Mistakes, Panic, Sickness, Sin, Starvation, Trouble, Unbelief, and Uncertainty” By Jasmine Williams I am allowing the inspiration that is in me to flow freely without the hindrances of my own understanding or philosophies. Jesus is in me, and he does the speaking. He is my Father, the Spirit that speaks in me. He is written in my heart and in my mind. His mind is in me, and by the mind of Christ Jesus, I am as Adam when he was without sin. I am as Jesus was, the second man Adam and the Lord from heaven. I have not resisted this that is happening unto me, for God has placed himself in me, and he speaks and gives me inspiration. It is not me speaking but the Spirit of my Father who speaks in me. I have not frustrated God’s grace by my own thinking, but I am relaxed and resting in this grace, which has abounded toward me. I am thankful, for the Lord has been good to me. His mercy will never stop enduring for me and toward me. The hand of the enemy once held me in the palm of his hands and tormented me with his big voice. Now in Christ Jesus, I am in the hand of the good Shepherd who redeemed me from the hand of my enemy. I am speaking aloud and saying what I have experienced. I have experienced the mighty act of redemption and now I am saying so. It is God, the Lord Jesus, who gathered me unto himself. I once was a wanderer. When Jesus found me, there was no place to go. I was dwelling in the pits of this world, wandering from one pit to another. I ate the vomit from the pits of this life and my soul was starved, hungry, and thirsty for the good food of life. When I cried out unto God from the pits of distress and despair, he delivered me and brought me into this narrow path, which is the right way. A city of refuge has now become my habitation. I am continuing to praise God for his goodness and I have seen his presence come as a giant earthmover and move my mountains of trouble. I will not wait until my longing soul is satisfied to praise God. While I am yet hungry and thirsty, I praise him, and he surely satisfies my longing soul and fills my hungry soul with his goodness. I have remembered the pit where I once sat in darkness and in the shadow of death. There I was bound in the chains of sin and distress. Panic was the expression of my countenance, and the sins of my life were the bars on the windows of my soul. I had ignorantly served a cruel slave master and dwelled in the tents of wickedness. No friend could come to my rescue, for all were barred from my prison house, and there was none to help. When I cried unto God from my pit of sin, he heard my cry and saved me. I no longer dwell in a prison house, making the bars of sin my window. I no longer dwell in the darkness of this life, but I have come forth unto the light of grace. I have held forth my heart, and God has cut asunder all of my chains. He has come with deliverance in his hands. The gates of evil and the gates of mistakes and misfortune cannot bar Christ from me. He loves me, and he has come with plenteous redemption. He has forgiven all my sins, and I am not afflicted because of my transgressions. Jesus has delivered me out of all of my troubles and distresses. Sickness has plagued me and tormented me for years, yet it has not consumed me. Its threat is void of power, and its effect has failed in its expression to manifest defeat. I have been weak, and I have been worn, yet I am not defeated, nor destroyed. He sent his word and healed me. Destruction must now look for another avenue of expression, for God closed the pathway of my life and barred out sickness and destruction. He received my praises for his goodness and his wonderful works unto me. When I praised him and brought thanksgiving unto his feet, it was a sacrifice well pleasing unto God. The brokenness that followed was not of me, but of Christ, for I was void of the right sacrifice. When he brought his works of the past unto my mind, then did thanksgiving flow freely. Without God’s grace and his mercy, I would not have seen the great light of gratitude this day, but he shined the light of mercy and grace, and I did see and now I think with a grateful mind. Many will awaken unto the dark chambers of ingratitude and unthankfulness. God knows, but I do not know. I have lifted up my eyes unto the place where I now reside and know that the stormy wind and the mighty waves of destruction passed me by today because of God’s love. I am grateful; therefore, I rejoice, for he brought me to a heavenly place and did not allow me to sink into the depths of ruin and despair. Many do not have any place to go today, and many do not have a family. Many are homeless, and many stagger with the sicknesses of this world. The Lord has responded toward me with goodness and I am giving thanks for the calm sea of life that is all about me. He has brought me quietness, blessed quietness. There is no storm round about me; therefore, I am glad, for he has chosen this day to express his love and make me glad. My barn overflows, and my pockets are not empty. My soul is free, and my family dwells with me. I am giving thanks and I am glad, for Jesus has brought me unto a haven of goodness. I am continually giving thanks and being an example of God’s goodness in the midst of the people. I purpose not to let despair come from behind me and stir me unto the tornado of doubt and unbelief, but I am giving praise at all times. Even when I journey through a wilderness, even when I journey through dry places, even when I do not seem to be fruitful, even when things stalk me with uncertainty, I am continuing to give thanks for God’s goodness unto me and his mercy which endures forever.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:24:13 +0000

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