CONFLICTS CAN BE A BLESSING IN MARRIAGE. Marriage is the - TopicsExpress


CONFLICTS CAN BE A BLESSING IN MARRIAGE. Marriage is the deepest,closest,most intimate and longest lasting of human relationships and human interractions. Just like any and every level or depth of human interractions. There will ALWAYS be misunderstandings and differrences. It is impossible to have successfup marriages without misunderstandings coming up now and then. It is not WRONG to have crisis come up now and then. Every properly handled crisis DEEPENS and SMOOTHENS your relationship. I advise couples to TRY to always settle MISUNDERSTANDINGS between themselves, and quickly too. The more they are able to SETTLE differrences without external inputs the better for the relationship. Crisis well managed should lead to MAKING UP and not BREAKING UP. Though pepper is necessary for cooking, too much of PEPPER in a soup makes it unpalatable. Crisis and quarrels should nt be the order of the day. Couples should learn their ROLES as prescribed in scriptures, it will REDUCE the frequency of unreasonableness in their ARGUEMENTS. In times of QUARRELS its never about WHO IS RIGHT but about WHAT IS RIGHT. We must ESCHEW SELFISHNESS, SELF CENTEREDNESS and seek to stay,stand and operate as a single unit. Whenever you are proven wrong..please please please learn to offer a SINCERE apology. Saying SORRY from the depth of your heart should be the BEST gift you can offer to your LOVE. Every COUPLE knows the JOY of making up. Since SATAN stirrs up CRISIS to attack HOMES regularly. GOD has decided to make the MEMORIES of MAKING UP after a QUARREL, some of the most BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS of the married life. Do you REMEMBER any of your marriage MAKING IT UP moments, take time to relive it, talk of it with your spouse and DECIDE that come what may, you will stay with,stand with and stand by your spouse come what Jesus name. Your marriage will succeed,we are praying for you..God bless your home mightily in Jesus name..
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 22:53:44 +0000

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