CONGRATULATING MY PRESIDENT AFTER MY 70TH BIRTHDAY ON HIS APPOINTMENT AS ECOWAS CHAIRMAN ............................................................................ I think weve all heard the congratulatory message from Nana AkuffoAddo to the President for been appointed the chairman of Ecowas.That is something commendable but i hope such messages come from a genuine statesmanhip position than the usual political mischief.I cant be emphatic talking about genuineness of the message because of certain developments emanating from the npp since AkuffoAddo made his intention to contest the likely one sided flagbearer position.I thank the former Npp flagbearer for reminding the President that he now leads a region of an estimated 340 million people,with this huge responsibility,i wish AkuffoAddo advise persons who are in political trance because of his person to measure their activities on the political stage to give the President the needed peace to steer the affairs of our sub region.We just heard the Npp chairman calling for an Arab Spring type of insurrection in the country to oust the President and his government all because of Capitation,a programme which is moving to the Volta Region,may be The Npp Ashanti Region Chairman must move to the Volta Region to continue his subtle coup project if he really love and respect all the tribes in the country.Nana must begin to watch these developments to show his statemanship else,some political observers will continue perceiving his as a threat to our national cohesion.As we speak,tapes played on our airwaves purported to be coming from senior npp officials linked to AkuffoAddo,suggests serious divisive projects to undermine candidacy of some npp contestant and an already designed strategy to sideline persons who wouldnt sing the AkuffoAddo rhythm. At age 70,many things both tissues and inner chemistry change within our system,our mental strength changes to think dispassionately,i therefore would like AkuffoAddo to begin displaying the real skills of an oldman so as not to break his bones through excercise meant for the youth.This country must move on despite our political ambitions or inclinations,to pull our development strings shouldnt be glorified at all.As Nana rightly pointed out,our President has huge task on his hands and demand the concerted efforts of Ghanaians across the political divide to make mother proud.Nkrumah is dead but we still walk across the continent and the world proud because of his achievement,at a point in the continents history,other African leaders and nationals moved to Ghana to marry our women and men to get the Ghanaian breeds in their families because of Osagyefos exceptional human qualities. Currently,some media persons are feverishly working on diabolic information to discredit our President just to demean this grace bestowed on us by God.There is this latest agenda to link our President to a false allegation of fraud with the West Region Port,reading through some documents which got onto my desk,i nearly wept realizing the mischief well orchestrated by some charlatans just to discredit this hardworking President,Foreign Minister and others.We shouldnt engage ourselves in this demonic project and still hold the bible and Quran to the church and Mosques. Ending,i will urge all to genuinely support the President to achieve his plans,the Presidents statement at the EU meeting in Brussels that EU must be flexible with the EPA,attests to the fact that the new Ecowas Chairman isnt going to compromise on subjugation which is nice.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 13:15:05 +0000

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