CONSTRUCTION/INSTALLATIONS OF 11000 VOLTS IN AGRICULTURAL FIELDS-STAY OF COURT ON AGRICULTURAL FIELDS-complaint in police station GANJ for registration of F.I.R, complaint in court before C.J.M rampur next date 3.1.2015.people of rampur had gone to Delhi to support there neta and to seek justice for INDIANS¬ for Rampur peoples. THE PHOTOS shows u.p bridge corporation committing thefts of electricity for constructions.11000 volts are not dangerous to farmers&workers in agricultural fields the supporters of s.p why so inhuman behavior by you &yours party leader.the agricultural fields belong to Muslim.atrocities committed by samaj vadi party &its Muslim leader have they shaken hands with R.S.S. DONT WORRY BE HAPPY .WE ARE BEING FOOLED & WILL BE CONTINUED TO BE FOOLED till the next election and we Muslims swear on ALLAH we will vote for samaj vadi neta&and party because we cannot felt the pain of our Muslim brothers which ours Muslim brothers are undergoing under the s.p rule SHAME ON ME TO BE CALLED MUSLIM .SEEING ALL THIS I WOULD LIKE TO DIE AS A HINDU PLEASE DO NOT BLAME ME BLAME Yourself YOU ARE NOT PUTTING JIHAD for Muslim cause.EVEN ALLAH FEELS ASHAMED OF MUSLIM LIKE YOU AND YOURS LEADER.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:46:00 +0000

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