COOPERS DIARY Wow, what da weekend it been so far. Da Chief - TopicsExpress


COOPERS DIARY Wow, what da weekend it been so far. Da Chief George habbed da best birfday pawty ai eber seed. Him gots so many da furiends. Ai knowed him wuz da poplar guy, ai just neber knowed how poplar. Him lubs da helpin of fowlkes n dey shur showed dere appurrshiation at da pawty. Chief Sammi camed down wif hims buddy Alex who wents tu da Bridge bout da same time as Sammi. Now dey pawtwolls tugetter at da Bridge. Alexs dad wuz missin him summtin awlful n wuz so glad Alex could makes da twip. Den da sweet Ms. Minnie, da little lady dat wents tu da Bridge not dat long ago camed tu. Her wuz da bery speshul kitten. Awl us young ones lubed watchin da movies wif her each week, her wuz our ray of da sunshine. We still keeps da speshul cushion fur hers at da movie room in da Wormhole Cafe. Yu cans sees her summ da time in dat corner of yur eye. Yu cans awlways hears dat little squeak her makes when her happy. Eberypawdy wuz so glad tu sees her. Awl dem wents back tu da Bridge last night. It pwobably be da while afore Sammi gets anuther pass. Him say eberypawdy gets da turn n dere lots waitin to bisit afore him gets da turn again. Den tuday Angel Girl n Spot habbed dere engagement pawty. Dey be such da wunnerful cupple. Angel Girl be bout da sweetest thing ai eber met. Her name suit her gud, her da twue Angel. Spot bes da fine gentlecat. It awlways gweat tu sees two such kittehs finds each uther. Dey askes Sammi tu watches ober dem sos Guardian Angel Sammi wuz watchin ober it awl frum da Bridge.. Ai hopes dem two hab da weddin soon, ai cants wait tu sees it. Da pawtyin still goin on n gonna goes on awl da rest da weekend. Den dere wuz da noms. Da fowlkes at da Cafe makes da bestest noms in da whole uniberse. Mei, da Chief n brudder Freddie spents da night at da beach house at da Wormhole City beach. It wuz gud tu gets away eben if it wuz fur just da one night. Ai gonna goes back tu da Cafe n finishes out da weekend pawtyin til da dweaded Monday come round again. **gets on Coops Coupe n heads fur da wormhole**
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 04:51:40 +0000

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