COPIED.And Akinyi it is.... RISACH: Asetimo risach mayudoni - TopicsExpress


COPIED.And Akinyi it is.... RISACH: Asetimo risach mayudoni nyiluo react ga maopogore kagibedo dumped. For instance, }Ka idamp Aluoch jaber biro yuak behind closed doors. She will never tell anyone. }Ka idamp Awino, jaber biro yuak e mbele ji, she will hurt for some time alafu omove on. }Ka idamp Anyango, jaber will cry uncontrollably, jaber will plead with you to have her back, after sometime jaber will move on kendo okichak inene kendo. }Ka idamp Achieng, jaber will faint, kendo onyalo collapse ma otho, chuny Achieng thwiss ga. Achieng will not eat for weeks ma odher, after healing from the heart break okichak inene kendo. She will take time to love again. }Ka idamp Awuor, jaber will cry like a mad woman, stress biro chame gi ulcers. after short time jaber will move on. }Ka idamp Atieno, jaber nyalo kata madho sum, Atieno nyalo dere, jaber will cry with a lot of bitterness, eventually obiro heal & move on. }Ka idamp Auma, jaber nyaka diep go, that week jaber biro diewo mfululizo manyaka olus a lot of weight. en diep ma itweyo nyaka pampers. }Ka idamp Akoth, jaber will hurt, tears will flow freely, Akoth biro penji ka in sure ni idampe, she will accept & move on. }Ka idamp Akinyi, itimo kazi bure, Jaber will laugh at you, she will mock you, immediately jaber timoni replacement ka ineno, Akinyi kia yuago dichuo ma odampe. }Ka idamp Adhiambo, mano ikelo shida, Adhiambo biro goyi goch kisumo. Jaber biro nyono nguti. Adhiambo okbedga dumped, kik ikethne jaber saa. Nono to obet e wiyi gi siandane, gi sianda Adhis madongo ma okadwa goyo stoche sani aonge banduls. }Ka idamp Akello, jaber nyaka revenge, ostalki kendo Jaber make sure ni odestabilize relationship meki tee. Haha jus for laughs ere ladies ngireuru happy Wknd
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 06:43:32 +0000

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