CORRECTIVE MEASURES & CHANGES FOR HEAVEN Things like insight - TopicsExpress


CORRECTIVE MEASURES & CHANGES FOR HEAVEN Things like insight and intuition have told the wise that nature and life have so many things in common under the Sun. Both are related and the relationship is marked in many ways. Some of the marks are good while some are bad. The bad ones include things like trouble, challenge and difficulty. It means that life is found in nature and the nature is made of good and bad. We cannot really succeed in life if both are not well or wisely blended for good. The wise described it in science as balancing of equation. They told us that positive & negative is synonymous to good & bad. According to the wise in field of science, we need light to find our ways out of darkness, and the light can only be produced when the positive and negative blend equally in circuit, energy or current. It means that the good and bad are vital to us under the Sun, and it also implies that temptation, trial, challenge, sorrow, hardship and the likes are natural things in life. Nature has them in us and God knows why they are there for us to face. What I am saying in essence is that things like challenge and opposition are natural forces in destined preparation. It is natural for one to fall into trouble and it is equally natural for one to wriggle out of the trouble. Things like hell and fire are naturally meant to refine, renew and improve us but it does not mean that we should feel relaxed and comfortable in them. Nature did not design anybody to dwell (live) in hell. We were only meant to pass through it without any feeling of comfort. It means that movement is compulsory in hell, and the phrase movement in hell is known to the wise as wriggle. It means that the way to escape from hell is crooked. There is nothing like straight road in trouble or tight corners under the Sun. The only available way out is crooked. That was why King Solomon said that there is time for everything under the Sun. We have time for honesty, and we also have time for dishonesty in life. Nobody can be honest in hell because the way there is crooked, tough and too hard. It becomes too hard and deadly when one is not given to corrective measures. If we ask the wise, they will tell us that trouble is inevitable but the best way out is found in uphill. It means that souls are bound to perish in hell if they remain in downhill without making u-turn to uphill. This is true because there is nothing like corrective measures outside natural process of learning, education or knowledge. According to the answer given by Shah d five years ago as wise contribution to YAHOO Q & A, corrective measures are actions taken to prevent the occurrence of an event that caused the problem initially. He gave a detail explanation and we were told that past mistakes and human flaws are two major things that call for corrective measures in life. An article was also published in this regards by Quality Systems Approach to Pharmaceutical (CGMP) in February 2, 2009. We learnt from it that corrective measures are equally known as Corrective Action / Preventive Action (CAPA). The information stated that the actions are improvements to an organizations processes taken to eliminate causes of non-conformity or other undesirable situation. It further explained that the CAPA is a concept within good manufacturing practice and numerical ISO business standard. If we look at it rationally, we will see that the core thing here is improvement. It means that corrective measures are things we need to improve in life. Anything we do to add value(s) to our individual and collective lives is called corrective measure under the Sun. As a matter of fact, the term improvement is described in religion as renewal. Prophet Malachi called it refining in Bible, and Christianity in general has it as born-again. All the terms put together is known in wisdom as positive change. The change is divinely required for good (productivity) under the Sun. It means that nobody can make heaven without improvement for good. What one should know is that people are called born-again only when they are seen as innovative and creative minds under the Sun. If you claim to be born-again and you have nothing to show as your product in life, it means that you are bound for hell under the Sun. Take it or leave it! What I know is that improvement is all about renewing ones mind for good, and the term good is another word for product. One must be productive in order to qualify for heaven eventually. If we ask me, I will tell us that knowledge (sound education) is one thing that really brings the renewal for good. It has nothing to do with religion. The wise know it as illumination, and it is not found in places like churches and mosques. This is true because one is bound to perish at last without knowledge. That was what Prophet Hosea meant in Bible when he said, My people perish for lack of knowledge.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 08:42:39 +0000

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