COSTUME JEWELRY CLEANING AND CARE AT HOME GUIDE Costume/fashion jewelry can be versatile, with designs that allow you to wear your jewelry for any occasion. However, because jewelers cement is often used to create those designs, it is important that you take special precautions when cleaning your costume/fashion jewelry. 1-Never wear your jewelry in the shower. Soap residue and hair conditioner, similar to lotions and moisturizers, do not rinse as thoroughly from your gemstones as they do from your skin and hair. These oils will attract dirt, dulling the life of your stones. 2-Always handle your jewelry on the metal surfaces not put your fingers on the stones. Even after you wipe off your fingerprints, residual oils remain and act like dirt magnets throughout the day. 3-Mild soap and warm water are sufficient to clean most jewelry items, as long as you rinse them thoroughly. For dirtier items, commercial jewelry cleaners can be used safely on most gemstones...but BE CAREFUL. Organic gems like pearls, amber and coral and porous gems like turquoise and opal should NEVER be subjected to chemicals, steam cleaning or ultrasonic machines. For these gems, wipe gently with a soft cloth after each wearing. 4-Very few items will allow for a chemical cleaning. In that case you can use Windex or similar products as a cleaning agent. I must tell you, mild soapy water is usually the best and safest. However, please remember do not spray the Windex directly to your jewel. Rhinestone jewelry with foil backing should never be submerged into water. 5-Spray a little of the Windex onto a soft clean cloth. Make sure that it is not too wet, just barely enough to get the dust off the piece. For the hard to get to places, use a soft tooth brush or Q-tip with tiny little bit of Windex. Squeeze the excess wetness off the Q-tip or soft toothbrush so that it is barely damp. 6-Make sure that you are gentle when cleaning your jewelry. If you use a toothbrush, make sure that it is soft and not scratchy. Be particularly careful with Aurora Borealis stones as they can be scratched easily. We hope that this helps you take care of your jewelry. alzerina
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 15:29:03 +0000

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