CPC DAILY WORD CHAINED UP TO THE URGENT Monday 3rd November - TopicsExpress


CPC DAILY WORD CHAINED UP TO THE URGENT Monday 3rd November 2014 ‘There is a time for everything.’ Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV Cleaningroster–setupteam–worshippractice–missionsweek–prayermeeting–home–sleep–zzz. Sound familiar? Sometimes it’s hard to say ‘no’ because as a Christian you feel obligated to do everything you’re asked. But not every ‘need’ is an order from God to jump in and meet it. Urgency is stressful. It’s also addictive, so if you find yourself always reacting to outside demands, check that you’re not hooked. Like any addiction, urgency meets your need to feel needed—for a while, anyway. It may make you feel satisfied, but it will bite back. It creates a sense you’re getting important tasks done, falsely inflates your self–esteem, but tends to make stuff worse because mostly ‘haste makes waste’. You weren’t made for urgency. Jumping from one task to the next without being rested or centred breaks up your personality. Too much and you’ll probably struggle with sleep. We have to find space for ourselves, not in a selfish, me–first way, but to get settled in our home in God and get our hearts rested. There is a time for everything, but, not everything has to happen all the time! Walker Percy said, ‘You can get all A’s and still flunk life.’ Try to be discerning about the tasks you need to do and the tasks that will only drain you. Ask God to help you make a list of the ‘must do’ tasks in life. Then ask Him to help you prioritise the list—and stick to it.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 20:38:26 +0000

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