CREATING SUCCESS BY ATTITUDES AND MANNERISMS. Always do the right thing, no matter what the consequences of doing the right thing will be. At the end of the day there is nothing more valuable than your integrity, both in life and in business. Success will come and go but integrity is forever. If you always choose to do the right thing, it won’t matter what the outcome is because you will be successful as a human being in the areas that matter most. That is true success. Great leaders believe in their people. They help each person to see the potential that exists inside of them and they believe in their people’s ability to achieve amazing things. I have been truly blessed with many great leaders throughout my career. They inspired me to accomplish all I was capable of, even when I didn’t feel that confidence on my own. I believe in the power of a “goal poster.” When you limit the goals you make visual, you are limiting the possibilities that can come into your life. We should never limit the picture we have in our heads because God intends us to be a masterpiece! The ability to be quiet and listen is a marvelous attribute. Perhaps the most powerful lesson I’ve learned is when to not talk, but just listen. Especially when situations get heated, it’s valuable to remember it’s the person who’s not speaking who’s generally holding 90% of the cards. Never make a key decision in the heat of emotion. The ability to wait, think and consider options before responding allows you to consider what it is you want to happen, and whether what you’re about to do is the best way to arrive at that goal. In that light, chewing somebody out or reacting in anger will almost never make a situation better, and will generally make the outcome much worse. ENTERPRENEUSHIP Women tend to turn to entrepreneurship out of necessity, and have formed businesses that predominate in the informal sector and in low-growth services. A 2006 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor survey of 42 high and middle-income countries found that individuals with a higher household income are more likely to be starting entrepreneurial activities than those of lower income groups. In developing countries, the trend is quite different: with formal employment hard to come by, the majority of businesses are started out of necessity. Ladies are no exception. Women gravitate towards businesses that require limited capital investment, and are mainly involved in services and activities they can engage in around the home, such as operating hair salons, small-scale retail businesses, animal husbandry, textiles, or tailoring. Even when they are engaged in paid employment, ladies tend to start businesses in addition to their jobs, since this is often most times the alternative option that guarantees livelihoods for their families. But increasingly, women entrepreneurs are breaking out of this mold. Today ladies occupy strategic positions in government,oil and gas, education sector and mainly center stage in entertainment.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 21:48:22 +0000

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