CREATIVE WORKSHOP #3: Time. No matter your financial status, - TopicsExpress


CREATIVE WORKSHOP #3: Time. No matter your financial status, the one thing we all have in common is the amount of time we are given in a day. In this regard, we are all equal. No one is privileged with more time than the other (obv Im not talking about lifespan here). So the question then is this: how is it that the greatest people to have walked the earth (Mother Teresa, MLK, Steve Jobs, etc) have managed to accomplish so much in their lives compared to the rest of us when they have the same amount of time in the day than we do? You might say, Well its different for me. I have a job. I have kids. I have this & that. I get it & I wont downplay your responsibilities. Im not saying leave it all behind to do what you want. What I WILL say though is you should honestly ask yourself if youre making good use of every second. Now Im not talking about going out there & changing the world here with humongous ideas. Im not saying to go out there & cure cancer. But sometimes we wrap ourselves up in the things that we think is so important that we dont even have the time to enjoy our lives! Our families! Our children! Nows not a good time, we say. Ill put more effort into this or that when my schedule clears up. But it never does, does it? If you think about it, when is our lives NEVER hectic? If we can accept that our lives are always full of distractions, then possibly we can start to make better use of our time. When I think about time I think of people who, when they have a moment, are doodling to work on their sketching skills. I know of people who are jotting quick notes for their next poem. Im thinking of people who set a time each day to be uninterrupted to be with their kids. At this moment, Im writing this as I stand in line waiting to board a flight. Creativity is someone that visits us when it wants & if we dont entertain it, it moves on to the next creative person who is willing to give them attention. Our children are people who want our attention when it wants & if we dont entertain them, they grow up & we lose that time. Thats just how it is. Ideas come & go in a blink. Where are you when it comes knocking? Where are you when your child is tugging at your leg asking to play? To be full of passion doesnt mean to be so set in your goal that you ignore everything else. It means you know how to spread yourself so that you live a balanced life. Use time to balance your life so it doesnt start leaning one way or the other. Because when its gone, its gone.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 09:12:37 +0000

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