CURA update #8 The time has come to say good-bye to the Green - TopicsExpress


CURA update #8 The time has come to say good-bye to the Green and Gold once again. And not just the team that tried to look like a Brazilian soccer team but failed miserably in its attempt last night, but the country itself. It has been a phenomenal two+ weeks. I received word this afternoon that the remainder of our team has made it safely back to San Angelo, Abilene and Austin. And this morning Tanner, Barrett and I were able to put the final touches on the CURA storage room, making sure everything is clearly labeled, waterproofed and secured for next year. As has been the case with everything this year, this process was an example in how far we have come in the last 5-6 years. Our organization and our improved efficiencies resulted in the smoothest week we have ever experienced, and resulted in our final day today taking only 2 hours. After a relaxing lunch with Phyllis and Antenor, I am now awaiting my flight to the states while enjoying Argentina vs Holland in the World Cup. As I sit here, I have a family next to me from Israel. The father and son are having a great time watching the game, having come here for the World Cup. It seems a simple thing, and perfectly natural, but as the son addresses the father, he calls him Abba. Abba. 4 letters, 2 first letters of the alphabet, but when said in Israeli, they mean father. Earthly fathers are an amazing group. But unlike worldly fathers that can let us down, our Father God never does. This week is a perfect example. A new location in a town we have only had a presence in for the last 2-3 months. Some new specialties that Brazil was not familiar with. The always present mix of new folks and experienced folks. Language barriers between providers, and between providers and patients. All of these things could come together and spell disaster. But because of a commonality of purpose and the overarching umbrella of love, the effort has been a resounding success once again. 845 tickets were taken, but only 784 of those were actually seen (apparently a patient would come in to be seen but would have children and friends who would also take a ticket). Of those seen, multiple specialties were seen by most of them. Stephanie, one of those representing a specialty unheard of, on first analysis, apparently saw 101 patients!! And not surprisingly, greatly impressed her young translator, Gabi, who now thinks she would love to be a chiropractor. It seems gynecology saw 89 patients and ophthalmology saw over 450! All of these are preliminary numbers, but they are impressive nonetheless. And although the numbers do say something about how hard everyone worked, what they only hint at is the impact made on the community. We have established a contact for the future, the exact nature of which we don’t know yet, but the seeds have been planted. Bruno will now be watering, and the group, with the assistance of your prayers and monetary support, will be looking at what more we can do. I thank God for each and every one of you and will continue to keep you updated. Greg
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 21:30:53 +0000

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