Call me a dying breed... But I never leave my house without at - TopicsExpress


Call me a dying breed... But I never leave my house without at least 3 books in my bag, and I read more than I watch TV. I tend to write, a lot, and I am known for being someone who always has a lot to say, and a lot of energy to say it. I am not the sort of guy that reads a book because there are a lot of pictures in it. I go for the thickest, most wordy books. 100% of what I read is non-fiction. I love text books, and anything jam packed with information. I also have dyslexia. Reading is a very difficult thing for me, and hand writing is even worse. So, why is it that I get bored to tears of picture books and yet I am so much more interested in books with a lot of text? You be the judge. I get bored of a picture after about 3 seconds of looking at it. But words...I can dissect and analyze a million times and always find something new. A picture is worth 1000 words, well, to me it is something that I have had enough of after a few seconds and then I want to move on. This is a big, big thing that people do not understand about me. They cant understand, and never could, how my life is based so deeply on words and verbal expression. I have hundreds upon hundreds of pages I have written, 95% of which no one has seen, and probably thousands more that I have written on the internet since 2005 under various pseudonyms. I just like to write, and I like to create. I have piles of content on so many subjects, that I lost count. I dont even care about getting credit for what I write. I just like to write. I am not a photographer. I am not an artist. I am a writer, a creator, and a lecturer. Pictures and photos aint my bag of tricks. People like Nathanial Hawthorne, Poe, Lovecraft, and the like are people I hold in high regard, and as passive influences on how I express myself. I feel that the art of writing is also lost in the modern age. Few people write to express themselves anymore. And god help you if you spell things correctly and have decent, B- level grammar. Oh, and if it is more than 140 characters? TOOOOOOOOO LONG. There is no place in the modern world for Verbal Dinosaurs like me. At some point before I drop dead, I would love for just one person to understand at least just this one aspect of me...
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 21:54:42 +0000

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