Can you believe there are nations without militaries and they are - TopicsExpress


Can you believe there are nations without militaries and they are very peaceful? For many of these countries, not having an army is a source of national pride, and it has even helped some assume roles as international peacemakers. Persistent and reoccurrence of conflicts and insecurity in a society or nation is not always a result of improperly trained or inadequate security operatives and or equipments, for those who will do evil will always find an excuse to do it anyway, even in the presence of laws, equity, justice and strong militaries. Plato once said, Good people dont need laws to tell them to act responsibly and bad people will find a way around the laws. No one should live under the illusion that Nigerias security challenges are a result of underdevelopment of the North or any form of injustice for that matter, because if that be so, you cannot use injustice to cure injustice by killing the poor and defenceless people instead of those that caused the supposed underdevelopment and injustices, especially when those people are going about their day to day activities freely across the country, neither should anyone thinking that our Armed Forces are ill-equipped or improperly trained, as their are countries with no militaries at all and these countries are peaceful because the people will always speak against evil doers and not play politics with the truth. Forget what everyone is saying about insurgences and counterinsurgency, in reality only a weak militia group or at most only a weak terrorist group with clear motive can be defeated and or pacified; militaries are trained for conventional warfares and not guerrilla warfares where there are no rules of engagement, but based mainly on ambush, suicide bombing etc. To back this point up, the United States fought in Vietnam against groups specialised in guerrilla warfares which was mainly based on ambush and hit and run style of attack, the United States fought for years and became frustrated and left Vietnam, same in Iraq and Afghanistan were they are also not wining the war. Insurgent groups cannot or are not easily defeated through military actions as many Nigerians would love to see, because the military may win the battle but cannot win the war or even lose both the battle and the war. To defeat an insurgent group like Boko Haram, Nigerians most love Nigeria above any other other consideration, above religion, tribe and political affiliations, so that whenever there is an attack, no religious group will blame the other, no tribe or political group will blame the other. Nigerians must unite and speak with one voice against these terrorists, a section of the country must not sympathise with them, as this gives them the desired morale to perpetuate their evil acts; therefore, Nigerians must not eulogise them on the pages of newspapers, TV, and social media, their evil acts must be condemned at all times as this will make them know that they lack support, and therefore cause a drop in their zeal to do evil. Assuming their funding comes from abroad, our intelligence community must find away to stop such fundings and or isolate the group from such funds and or use the funds as bait for the group, which ever strategy they choose to employ, provided no full scale military approach is used but purely covert operations, and of course cooperation of Nigerians by way of appreciating our security operatives in order to boost their morale and also by complementing the efforts of security operatives by way of reporting any suspicious gathering and events to security operatives. Above all, the best and most effective way to combat these terrorists is to love Nigeria unconditionaly.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 22:10:24 +0000

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