Can you see where the US can so easily be regarded ... and - TopicsExpress


Can you see where the US can so easily be regarded ... and targeted ... for the rogue state that it has become? Never imagine there will not be retribution to pay, my friends. It is coming. With information just breaking that the United States has been air dropping arms, food and medical supplies to Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) forces in Iraq, supposedly the world’s latest terrorist enemy on steroids, what has been suspected all along is now being confirmed. To add fuel to the fire, this news comes just as warmonger Senator McCain got busted for secretly and illegally entering Syria to meet with ISIL to coordinate strategy on that warfront. The strategy in Iraq is to prolong the “war” against ISIL in order to ensure that permanent US military bases there get established, something recently deposed Iraqi President Maliki refused. It wasn’t so much Maliki’s poor leadership that spearheaded persecution and killing of so many Sunnis during his reign of terror that caused Washington to finally pull the plug on him. It was his kicking Americans out of his country entirely at the end of 2011 that brought his US orchestrated removal from power several months ago. Just as the US Empire created al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden back in the 80’s to finish off the Russians in Afghanistan, then backed al Qaeda’s ethnic cleansing of Serbs in Kosovo and Bosnia, paving the way for bin Laden to play the heavy in collusion by Saudi-Israeli assistance to pull off the coup d’etat of the century on 9/11, it all became false pretext to wage permanent war on terror. Now that the US government has torn the Middle East asunder into multiple war ravaged failed states, with these latest revelations coming out of Iraq, the US cover has been completely blown – ISIL turns out to be just another axis-of-evil Empire creation by the US-Israeli-Saudi governments. Based on these latest on the ground accounts filtering in through Iranian and Iraqi intelligence sources, those previous reports from months ago on how the United States was covertly financing and training this “new and improved” brand of Islamic State terrorism again created by the US turns out to be absolutely true.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 21:07:54 +0000

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