Candys Journey 6 hours ago · Edited I might spend my entire - TopicsExpress


Candys Journey 6 hours ago · Edited I might spend my entire life asking why and never get a real answer, but I learned years ago to just accept that Everything Happens for a Reason. My core belief system was tested today. Late in the evening on November 18th I was tagged in a plea for help. What I found has to be one of the most shocking things I have come across and I have seen some pretty horrible animal cruelty situations. A dog named Candy had been struggling on the road, without the use of her back legs, for way more than month. There was a video to show how she seemed to teach herself to drag across the ground (I will post a link to it at the bottom). Local rescuers got right to work setting a plan to get her to the vet early the next morning. They began to secure donations. They found an amazing foster home to care for her. We ALL figured that Candy had been hit by a car and she probably had a crushed pelvis. Everything was set when the morning came and rescuers gathered at the vet to find out Candys future. I was immediately struck by how gentle and loving Candy is. She met people for the fist time and welcomed their hands. She was in discomfort, but never showed a tooth or made a single sound. She let the vet poke and prod to see how much damage she had internally. Candy loves the fur under her neck rubbed the most. She would beg and lean in every chance she got. Unbelievably sweet. The vet let us know that he was sure she had some serious spinal cord damage. We were warned that her recovery was bleak and we were pressed with the question if we should put her to sleep? I called an amazing animal rehabilitater to get her advice. She suggested that we get an X-ray to see if the cord was totally severed or only partially. We expected the X-ray to come back with bones broken and displaced all over, but often what you expect is bad in life can end up so much worse. The vet entered the room again a bit disheveled. He had obviously seen something quite shocking. We all held Candy tight anticipating what would come next. BULLETS... Her entire back side is covered in shrapnel from being shot. We are not talking about one shot from one gun. She was hit with a shot gun. She was hit with at least two bullets from most likely a pistol. Then she was hit with over 20 pellets or bee bees from a pellet gun. These bullets ripped through her spinal cord and are the reason she can not walk. We all stood in complete disbelief. An accident from a car we can somewhat understand, a dog used for target practice we can not. The vet does not have real high hopes for her recovery, but we are rescuers and are not going to give up unless Candy lets us know she is ready to leave this Earth. Candy was immediately driven out to the rehabilitation facility for Kims advice. She feels that there is some chance for recovery and we are going to give Candy that chance. Kim is having a donated wheeled cart shipped to Candy as we speak. She has also outfitted her with a support vest, to take pressure off of her body for now. She will begin weekly rehab and Candy will be living in a foster home that is ready to help her as much as they can. Candy needs prayers and support for now. If there is a special needs rescue who is interested in providing for her, we are on board to work that out. This is all so new to us and we are going to do everything possible to make Candys life beautiful. We welcome any suggestions or support you can give. Link to donate to Candys ongoing care: youcaring/medical-fundraiser/candy-needs-help-/107679 This link is a video of Candy: https://facebook/photo.php?v=580687618651047 Link to X-ray of BULLETS - https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=1437046483173445&set=pb.1437045419840218.-2207520000.1384819085.&type=3&theater Candy is in Corpus Christi Texas 435-PLEASE READ CANDYS JOURNEY -THIS POOR DOG WAS USED AS TARGET PRACTICE-AT SOME POINT THEY BELIEVE HIT BY A CAR -LEFT PARALYZED FROM SPINAL CORD INJURY AND DRUG HERSELF FOR OVER A MONTH BEFORE THESE GODS GIFT PEOPLE FOUND HER AND HAVE BEEN TRYING TO GET HER HELPED -THIS DOG REMAINS SO KIND AND LOVING TO PEOPLE AFTER BEING TREATED SO BADLY -YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH CANDY & LOVE THE PEOPLE HELPING HER TOO -PLEASE PLEASE READ AND SHARE -TO HELP MAKE CANDYS JOURNEY EASIER-GOD BLESS YOU PEOPLE
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 06:23:25 +0000

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