Capital Region Soccer I too was 100% certain this match was - TopicsExpress


Capital Region Soccer I too was 100% certain this match was going to penalty kicks…the game was that difficult in the OT sessions. First off what a game between two league rivals. Schalmont quickly dictated play, but only the incredible prowess that is the Ichabod Crane goalkeeper could keep the high scoring Sabres off of the board. It started early on with a thunderous Schalmont header off of a corner that was batted away in what proved to be the save of the game by ICCs net minder. Then Schalmont tried an old trick from last year-a quickly taken free kick, but ICCs keeper would have none of it. Not only was Schalmonts offense good from the get go, but they quickly blanketed Jimmy Hollister, ICCs big gun, and neutralized him for most of the first half. When Hollister did get free he got off a solid shot, but right at Schalmonts goalie. The second half would be more of the same I figured-great Schalmont offense and great ICC defense to match it. However, only seven minutes in Hollister freed himself and got down the left side before rolling the ball in front of the net where ICC speedster Johnston tapped in home setting off a wild celebration as Schalmont looked on stunned. ICC took advantage of this lead and I noticed that all 11 men played back from this point including both of their forwards (a few times ICC cleared the ball and sent it right back to a Schalmont defender at midfield). But Schalmont answered quickly as Cameron LaVallee used his skills to get inside the box, nudge the ball to his right, and hit an absolute laser to the upper right corner which no keeper in Section 2 stood a chance against. From then on the game went back and forth as ICC went back into their regular formation on the field. Both teams had near misses with Hamilton missing wide or having a shot saved and then Hollister hitting a shot from in close right at the Schalmont goalie, but it was the ICC goalie who shone again as he came hard out of goal to block a point blank chance with only 30 seconds remaining! Overtime and more nerves for fans of either side (glad I was neutral-I cant imagine what these parents were going through on this day). ICC GK AGAIN came up with a big save off of a long distance shot on the ground. Hollister then chipped a beautiful shot JUST high of the goal. It was in OT that I noticed that ICC was playing much better offensively as players were absolutely flying all over the pitch. However, it was Schalmont who had a huge chance when a corner from the left side slipped through the ICC goalies fingers, but once again the defense stood their ground and cleared it. Then it was a direct kick from the left side by the Sabres that the ICC goalie wonderfully punched away before falling on the rebound. Schalmont really began to pressure as they earned three corners in a row, but that ICC defense was a rock. Then it was LaVallee who got off a wonderful volley that went just wide. As the seconds counted down one might figure that the teams would casually walk toward the benches…however, one ICC player had other ideas as he sprinted full speed down the left side and had an opportunity to end the game on a break, but he chipped it just wide. Second OT and it was over fast. ICCs central midfielder made a spirited run up the middle of the field and chipped the ball over the Schalmont D to the left side to Hollister. The ball looked like it went a little too far out in front and then I was screened by excited ICC fans as I saw Hollister gather the ball. What happened next I did not see (thank goodness for NBC-13 who had highlights), but apparently while gathering the ball he beat his defender and launched a rocket into the upper left corner from the left side-just a tremendous goal. And if I havent ranted enough I have to say that ICC was something special today. Schalmont outplayed them for the most part, but what a great job their defense did led by Lester! It was remarkable and one that would make any fan proud. ICCs other Lester played very well in the middle with Martinez and then what else can you say about Hollister? Pretty sure he was a defensive player the past two years (and I believe the only holdover from the state co-champ team two years ago in which he started) so to adjust to the offensive side and run that attack was all the more incredible. When Schalmont double teamed him the ICC defense was nonexistent which showed what a great player he truly is. Player of the game is ICCs Volkman. Every year in the section finals a goalkeeper (or goalkeepers) step up. This was his game and I wasnt sure what ICC would look like in the net with Pierce Reilly gone. Volkman answered any questions I had and this has to be one of the better games Ive seen by a goalie in a while. Another shoutout to the ICC coach, who in his first year at the helm, led his team to their third straight title. One of the better coaching jobs in the section this year (says a lot) and if I had a vote Id say Class B Coach of the Year hands down. For Schalmont they played well, but just couldnt finish. Cameron LaVallee was their most impressive player and Chris Hamilton got off some dangerous runs and it took a special defensive effort to hold them to one goal for the second time this year. Im very confident that Schalmont will be back here next year. Thanks to both teams for a wonderful game.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 00:48:20 +0000

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