Capricorn Moon Sign Nutrition Plan Your inner - TopicsExpress


Capricorn Moon Sign Nutrition Plan Your inner personality Moon Sign Capricorns are patient, reliable, steadfast and rational. You tend to respond to life on a logical and practical level, over dramatisation of feelings and extreme displays of emotion are just not your style. You tend to lack a little confidence socially and so although you like to be seen to be doing well on a career and material level, are just as happy on your own as you are with a crowd. You tend to be conservative in most areas of your life and will work hard to build up the resources you need on a material level to bring you a sense of emotional security and stability that you so need. If you do work too hard, however, you can become particularly grumpy and somehwat pessimistic. However when you are secure and happy you have a lovely, dry sense of humour. You are a very responsible and steadfast friend and family member. Your eating habits and why you do what you do Your are actually very disciplined when it comes to food. Moderation and self-denial are second nature to you, so you are unlikely to be overweight. You may even be a touch stingy when it comes to spending money on food. However, you may be missing some essential nutrients if you are too strict with your diet. You tend to see everything as a job, as work to be done and you must remember to let yourself go and actually have some fun with food occasionally. You are a bit prone to stress and also towards slight depression – you are often unkind to yourself and see emotional expression as weakness, or simply as an indulgence you don’t have time for. You may, if you feel under pressure, actually find it impossible to eat at all. This is a form of a complete ‘shut down’ emotionally and physically. Learning to care for yourself and respecting your vulnerabilities will help you connect with your feelings and your needs with regards to your food intake. What you need to change and why This Moon Sign is connected with the planet Saturn, which governs energy blockages, chronic conditions (i.e. long term illnesses), the bones and joints. Through Capricorn it is connected with the knees, the gallbladder and the digestive system in general. Through learning to be responsible for our bodies we can remain healthy and balanced. However, if we neglect our bodies, then we pay the price. As a Moon Capricorn, you probably have a good constitution that can get through most illnesses. However, you need to protect your weak areas such as your bones and digestive system. As you can be some what inflexible emotionally, preferring life to be structured and rational, it follows that your body can have problems with its structure – namely the bones and joints. It is important that you take care of yourself with an adequate intake of calcium rich foods such as dairy products, especially cheese, as well as sardines and green vegetables. Avoid too many fizzy drinks as they can deplete the levels of this essential mineral. Vitamin C, found in fruit and vegetables, can help you if you feel that your immune system is depleted and you’re suffering from repeated colds and viruses This vitamin also helps to keep tissue, cartilage, bones, teeth and the skin healthy. It may also help prevent arthritis, which is sometimes a Capricorn complaint. If you do suffer from a weight problem, then you must try to lose weight as your joints may be weakened by too much pressure. Whatever your weight, if you find your knees are causing you problems – it means that you are carrying too much emotionally and need to let something go. If your skin flares up then you may be storing unexpressed anger and need to find a way to release it. A new way forward Whilst I appreciate that you will never neglect your responsibilities, it is vital that you connect with your body and inner needs and learn to recognise the signs that are telling you to stop and rest. Being ruthless with yourself and pushing yourself beyond what is reasonable will only result in emotional and digestive problems. Learning to show love and kindness to yourself may not be easy – but for you it’s the key to inner progression and a happier life. Try to begin to understand that you can’t carry the world on your shoulders and you aren’t responsible for everyone else’s emotional security and happiness. Above all, take time to have fun and actually appreciate what you have built up through your total dedication and unremitting hard work. Take some time to make a list of everything you do on a daily and weekly basis both at work and at home. As you are so very responsible, (and possibly a bit of a martyr!) you may perhaps have been taking on other on board people’s work and duties. Have a look at what you can pass onto others and for goodness sake – learn to delegate!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 02:58:29 +0000

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