Cards revealed! CARD 1 = FREEDOM RELEASE LIMITING BELIEFS - TopicsExpress


Cards revealed! CARD 1 = FREEDOM RELEASE LIMITING BELIEFS NOW. It is time to break through limiting beliefs & stop holding yourself small. Your soul yearns to break free. Your attention is required to be focussed on freedom of thought so your dreams can manifest. Practice thinking up the biggest dreams you can imagine now & the possibilities of life. Repeat what else is possible with gusto! CARD 2 = VALUES REASSESS WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU NOW. You are a valuable being. You have much to offer others in love. There are deeper virtues that your soul holds valuable that you are being called to connect with now. As you come to understand what these deeper true values are, you will value others more, you will value yourself more & you will demand that others value you. CARD 3 = KNOWING YOURSELF GET TO KNOW THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF YOURSELF. Call forward that part of yourself that you feel is holding you back in love. Get to know what it is doing for you, how it thinks it is serving you. Talk with this part of yourself & ask what its story is that needs to be heard. Let it know what your deeper desire is in love & ask how it can serve you differently now so you can meet this desire. Approach this part of yourself with love, care & respect. CARD 4 = YOUR BODY HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOUR BODY AFFECTS HOW YOU GIVE & RECEIVE LOVE. It is difficult for you to be completely open to another in a relationship when you are completely preoccupied by your negative thoughts about your body or preventing yourself from feeling feelings by numbing them with food or substances. Dear One, no more waiting for life to come to you. Your life is happening right now & it is your job to live it, in this body you have chosen. Allow it to be the best it can be by now only thinking & feeling positively about it. Your body works hard for you. Give it the opportunity to be how you would like it to be, in fitness & in health. Feed it with good thought only! Your body wants to be at its best but to do so it requires positive thoughts only about health, love, life & yourself.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 07:03:53 +0000

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