Carl J. Lamb School Parent/Teacher Group Meeting September 12, - TopicsExpress


Carl J. Lamb School Parent/Teacher Group Meeting September 12, 2013 Members Present: Sarah Ouellette, Amy Sevigney, Courtney De Rosie, Laurel Long, Deb Smith, Maria Miliano, Steve Bussiere, Deb Gaudreau, Mrs. Bemis, Deanna Farrell, Lia Caverneau, Jess Allaire, Jessica Jourdaine, Donna Horrigan, Kathy Lapierre. Sarah welcomed the new parents to our first PTG meeting of the 2013-2014 school year. Treasurer’s Report: Courtney reviewed her report with the members present. She stated that we have had one recent small expense of laminating the box top signs ($12, Lincoln Press) and that our total current balance is presently $7,055.62 (Breakdown: General, $4,580.78; Box Top funds, $2,474.84). Box Top Report: Amy reported that last year we earned $2,790 in Box Tops collected by our students. Amy discussed the importance of utilizing the E-Box Tops (shopping online while earning money for our school!) and spreading the word to our parents and community. It’s as easy as signing onto btfe/marketplace. If people are going to shop online, why not earn money for our school in the process…it’s a win/win situation! Amy distributed a couple of Box Top collection boxes to those that were interested in placing them in interested locations and asked that the person who drops them off should pick them up as well. Amy expressed an interest that she would like to ask the Sanford News to post an article about clipping Box Tops for our schools. She stated that each school in our community could potentially earn up to $20,000 per year. Discussion. Courtney and Jessica volunteered to help with the Box Top collection process/counting. Mr. Bussiere stated that selected students would be willing to help during indoor recess. Donna Horigan stated that she could potentially have a notice put on Channel 26 to get the word out. Discussion. Amy stated that she will write a letter to the paper promoting Box Top collection for CJL. Classroom Celebration for largest number of Box Tops collected – It was agreed that the students really enjoy having the traditional ice cream parties to celebrate their success in collecting the most Box Tops, but it was agreed that the board will brainstorm and will come up with a few ideas to present to classes to vote on (trip to the bookstore, for example). Labels for Education – Courtney volunteered to do the “busy work” of counting/sending in any Labels for Education that are received. Sarah stated that she will post it on FaceBook and will send out e-mails to promote the collection of labels. Event Dates: Fall Festival – We all agreed that the Fall Festival has been a fun, free evening for our CJL families to enjoy. Sarah reported that this year’s Fall Festival will be on October 17th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. We will have the favorite activities present (Touch Tank, Spooky Gym) and will put our heads together to perhaps come up with a few new ideas for our returning families. PTG member, Jess Allaire, stated that her husband is a DJ and she will ask him if would be able to DJ the event. Food will be available for sale (pizza/hot dogs). Parent Teacher Conferences/Shopping Night/Teacher Potluck – Discussion. The consensus was that we will continue with our shopping night during the parent teacher conferences once again as it has proven to be an extra little fundraiser and seems to be successful for the vendors. Movie Night – Sarah stated that our annual Movie Night is set for February 6. It was agreed that choosing the movie and food, etc., for Movie Night could be tabled until a future PTG meeting. Ice Cream Social – The group agreed to revisit setting a date for our annual Ice Cream Social until later in the year. Bounce Into Spring Carnival – Discussion. Courtney stated that the PTG made approximately $1,800 last year for this event. Tabled until a future meeting. Dances – The group discussed changing the name of our “dances” to more appropriately describe them. It was agreed that our first “Friday Fun Night” for the school year is tentatively set for September 27th. Volunteers were recruited and Sarah stated that baked goods will be needed for this event. Sarah stated that she will check with Luke Lanigan about DJ’ing. Other potential future “Family Fun Nights”: January 3rd, April 4th. There was a brief discussion about including 3rd graders in the fun nights. It was agreed that our first Friday Fun Night will be 4th-6th graders. Courtney stated that she will purchase water for the evening and will ask Poland Springs for a donation for our Fall Prescott Park Arts Festivalal. Field Trip Support Proposal – Maria Miliano requested $240 from the PTG to help defray the cost of bus transportation (2 busses) for an upcoming field trip for the first graders to Harris Farm. Discussion. Vote was taken. It was a unanimous decision to happily forward the requested funds. Mrs. Gaudreau stated that fundraising packets went home with the students today. She expressed that if every student sold one or two items, the school would benefit tremendously from this fundraiser. Our Schools Our Future – Donna Horrigan addressed the board. She touched on Our Schools Our Future’s motto, stating that they hope to increase public understanding about education in our community. Donna stated that there will be a six-week session (if there is enough interest) to learn about the new learning system. Discussion. Donna also expressed that Our Schools Our Future has research groups to discuss different topics of interest. Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Next Meeting: Thursday, October 3rd, 2013, at 6:00 p.m.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 19:28:59 +0000

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