Ce ma irita lamentarile unora ca vai, saracii Americii nu se pot - TopicsExpress


Ce ma irita lamentarile unora ca vai, saracii Americii nu se pot hrani sanatos de saraci ce sunt sniff sniff. Cine-i pune sa manance insa toate cacaturile, si sa-si invete copii sa se hraneasca cu ele inca de la 1 an? Cat de scump o fi sa-si gateasca o tocana de legume, cu ceva carne si eventual sa paseze niste legume si pentru bebelus, in loc sa: In many cases, infants were fed foods that would surprise even the least stringent of mothers. Candy, ice cream, soda, and french fries, for instance, were among the foods some of the babies were being fed. Researchers divided the 18 different food types into four distinct categories, two of which were ideal for infant consumption—formula and infant guideline solids—two of which were no —high/sugar/fat/protein and high/regular cereal. It became clear which babies tended to be fed appropriately, and which did not. [...] Whats going on? The reason such discrepancies exist appears to be the result of a number of factors. For one, lower education levels are likely tied to poorer awareness of proper nutrition and infant feeding practices. If parents dont have a proper understanding of what infants should be eating, and how important proper nutrition is for a childs short- and long-term health, its hard to expect them to choose healthier foods when less healthy ones might be more convenient. Probabil cartile gen Mama si copilul sunt extrem de scumpe, si nici nu se pot cumpara la mana a doua pe net, ori imprumuta de la cunostinte.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 20:43:44 +0000

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