Chapter 13 the Maze (The last contest has been delayed and - TopicsExpress


Chapter 13 the Maze (The last contest has been delayed and Ambrosia once again finds her realm in peace for the moment. But that does not last. After a long period of peace and tranquility the last contest is called. The Maze, Ambrosia finds herself battle with the most dangerous creature of the land herself.) The guardians of destiny sat on their tall thrones in there great hall. The light was shining from the sun above though out. They were all silent. They convened at the request of Predox the messenger and waited patiently for him. With a flash of light Predox made his appearance known to them. “Predox why have you asked us to assemble here today,” Aragoth was annoyed. Aragoth never liked Predox. He only agreed for Predox to be the messenger after Simon’s recommendation. Aragoth always had an uneasy feeling about that elf. But he was unable to read Predox’s mind. It seemed Predox was trying to rule the guardian’s and Aragoth did like that. Even though Aragoth was more for this contest he would try anything without having to spill another’s bloodshed. But he knew as well as the others Predox did, neither Gallian nor Ambrosia, no matter who won. Eventually there would be a war. “I am tired and I am weary of your visit Predox,” speak or leave. “It is time for the great period of mourning to end for the she-queen Andromedia. Gallian is getting rather restless ruling just one half of Enchantia he wants it all,” Predox announced. “I am growing weary of these games,” Aristia the guardian abruptly spoke. “These games are to avoid bloodshed,” Predox retorted. “There is no avoiding what’s coming; we are only delaying what is going to happen. The future is set,” Vivanna spoke vaguely. They all looked with series glances over to Vivanna, “Would you like to elaborate on that sister,” Numia asked. “Because if we allow these games to go on and Ambrosia wins and Gallian forces war upon this realm, all of this would be wasted. “I assure you, elders of old that Gallian would adhere to the final decision, it is Ambrosia he is worried about,” Predox went on. “We need the games to commence at once without any more delay. Or sure as I am standing here war will be caused by this delay. Aragoth I request that you talk to your grand relation and convince her that this must happen for all elven sake,” Predox finished. “Regrettably Predox is right. I will presence this to ambrosia myself. Predox may join me if he wants. There must not be a show of favoritism among us at this time,” Aragoth finished. Gallian was nowhere to be found and the land was quiet. For a long time my people just went about their own business. The artisans and the merchant returned to the square, and my people began to live again. I was consumed however with a broken heart. I lost Leo and Zax. Too much in only a couple centuries to bear. I spent most of the days thinking and coming to acceptance. It was not my strongest ability. I pondered what things would be like if he was still alive. Would he be, beside me ruling this kingdom with me? I kept seeing images of his burnt body hanging down from the rafters of Alora’s throne room. I remember staring for a second and hearing his voice whisper he loves me. But I dismissed it as my imagination, until my journey to see the ancient queens. I even requested my private sleeping powders from my istar. But because I was half human he was cautions about giving me. He told me Leo was speaking to me on the other side. I knew it was possible, but I wanted him to be here in my physical world. Then I thought about Zax. It had been a long age since I set my eyes upon him. But he was not mine, and I tried to accept that he could not ever fully love me. His heart I believed belonged to his present mate. I was alone struggling with acceptance. But I had to have patients another elven treat I could not manage. I was getting older and accept for Vox which turned out to be some mad ancient elf; I had not been really loved for centuries. But every time I shut my eyes I saw Zax in my arms. But I had to be patient. I did not know if he would ever return to be fully mine. I only had that memory of us in the cottage in the woods. Time flew so fast. Vesta grew into a beautiful young lady and now was starting to practice and learn all the ancient ways of my people. I almost forgot that on the other side of the great Meadow of flowers Gallian ruled. The guardians allowed us to jointly rule until the next contest. Years went by slowly it was almost if he did not exist. Could Gallian have given up on his notion to rule the entire country or was he waiting and plotting his next move. I just wanted to enjoy the peace while it had lasted. But one day, the peace of the land stopped. A sudden fire appeared in the middle of the great hall. There was a gasp from the gallery that echoed through the great hall. It was Predox. Gangling and much older from when I saw him last, he appeared to me in front of the court. “Why do you make such an entrance and frighten my kin like so,” I asked. Ignoring me he spoke, “I have come to tell you, the great period of mourning has passed Ambrosia and it is time for the final contest to begin,” He said in his squeaky voice. I was stunned; I almost forgot about the final contest, it had been so very long ago. Well it seemed that way. ”I cannot put it off any longer,” he announced. I just looked at him with disbelief. It had been so peaceful, and the land was once again in harmony. “Are you telling me after these many decades of peace Gallian still wants to go through with this? And here I thought he reformed, half is not good enough,” I said firmly. At that moment another clap of sound passed through the hall. This time the figure tall and handsome, beyond anything I ever had seen. His hair was golden and long, with one braid down the side of his shoulders. He was broad and his eyes ever so green. I hardly recognized him, it was Aragoth. “It’s been a very long time Ambrosia,” he spoke with a deep voice. I just looked; I was in shock by his presence. “Master, master,” Predox yelped, I was just going to tell Ambrosia why the contest must still go on. “Yes, yes,” I softly said. I was still memorized by his beauty. “We must set things right, for this country, the contest must go forth to decide who will ultimately rule,” Aragoth spoke. “But why now, way decade’s later after tranquility of my people has been vast,” I spoke softly. Then I looked at Aragoth, and then he spoke, “Gallian is festering, he wants his rule back, but I cannot give it to him, or give it to you, because you are both Enchantians and of the same line you both must earn it. It is what my sister wanted. The contest will commence in twelve days’ time, in time of the season of the elves.” I was in shock; I was so sure Aragoth was not in favor of these games. I wanted just to cut the evil ancient’s head off. But Aragoth was right and so was Zax there has been too much bloodshed already. With that Aragoth took no questions and simply disappeared.. The crowed whispered without a sound, Vesta looked at me and asked “Who is Gallian, mother? And what’s this contest he is talking about?” I was not ready for this talk. I pretended that Vox was Vesta’s father. I did not tell her, this evil ruler disguised himself as my spouse to lay with me. I had long ago wiped the remaining memory out of her mind of what had happened when Gallian took her. Instead I told her Gallian was a very dangerous ruler and many decades ago he returned to take over my rule. But instead of war the Guardians of Destiny decided to be the ones who selected the ruler through contest which was are way, instead of blood spilled. I realized something fast, as I look upon her young face. Vesta had become of age to rule, so if Gallian loses or wins. He would try to gain control of her. That is why he allowed this period to pass. I went into very little detail, into actually who Gallian was to Vesta. I did not want to scare and I certainly did not want her to know he was her father. She accepted my explanation and went off to ride. Meanwhile I quickly consulted with Shecora. I told her that I thought that the guardians were perhaps favoring Gallian, and was hoping he would become the king once again. For they did not ever have to continue with this contest, they could have waited until the end of my time. But what was the urgency unless they were being pressured. I took Blaze out for a ride to clear my head, riding always made me feel better especially riding through the forest, under a canopy of tall redwood trees. The sun was bright, and the air was brisk. I rode and rode through the forest. I finally stop to catch my breath underneath the great willow tree of knowledge. “I remember this tree,” I said to myself. When I came back from the human world, I rested here. But unlike that time, you can hear slight whispers coming alive through the branches of the tree. I could almost hear them call me. “Ambrosia, Ambrosia.” I sat for a while mediating my peaceful mind and felt I was one with the tree. I almost wanted to give in, and just hand over the kingdom to Gallian. But I saw him as an ugly murderer that’s who he really was. I knew nobody ever really believed me when I told him he slit Andromeda’s throat. I knew Predox did not when I told him long ago. Zax was so unforgivable. Gallian had somehow convinced the elder Predox that he had reformed with time, and he was no longer the monster he who killed his poor father. The elders I thought were quite naive, elves do not kill one of their own,” Predox said. I looked at myself in the mirror beside my throne. I saw myself, but I did not know who I was. The crowed had left and left me with my thoughts. I never really believed I was and elf or Enchantian. I was beginning to question myself. I was odd, but I had the talent to see some Elvan’s for what they truly were, my human emotions gave me love, and understanding. My human heart gave me rage, something elves don’t have, at least most don’t. I just could not stand and do nothing. I cannot ever be complacent, it’s not who I am. I have to learn to be patient during these past decades, at the lasting advice from king Zax, the woodland king had not returned nor have I heard from him since the morning in my throne room. I have sent many messengers, but he turned them away without even wanting to hear any of them. Eventually I stopped. I became aware that I had almost know allies if I wanted to go to war with Gallian and completely no choice but to be involved in this useless contest. I road back with Blaze to the castle, and as I rode through the square I noticed a lot of chatting and hushes going on. Everyone was lookind at me and I had no idea why. I soon reached the courtyard and dismounted my horse; Blaze was so obedient that he led himself back to his own stall in the stable. There was more silent whispers in the crowed in the courtyard, Shecora went directly to me when I saw her. She pulled me to the side and told me that Vesta was taking by Gallian. I was furious. So I dissipated, but I did not go anywhere. Gallian must have me blocked, I’ll travel by horse, and he is not having my daughter. But to cross the line of peace the guardians drew up after announcing the contest would be an act of war and weakness to control one self. But how I wondered how he got to her, did she cross the line by accident while riding. Shecora did not have any idea how Gallian manage to get a hold of her. Donsa a friend of Vesta’s, she came screaming back and said she had just disappeared. She told me Vesta was riding along side of her, one moment in the field of Ash trees and the next she disappeared. Shecora’s only conclusion was to tell the people to go to their cottages. For the fair princess had been kidnapped by the evil one. Then a message came from Predox that she was with Gallian as well. Nothing Shecora said made any sense. I never knew that the guardians new of the relation between Vesta and Gallian, now I knew they must be in league with Gallian at least Predox. I would never believe that Aragoth would ever be in league with his nephew he knew how evil Gallian was. What I did not understand is why then was he allowing this to continue, he alone could stop Predox, Gallian. I could not act rash. I was sure that Gallian would not make the same mistake twice and hurt our daughter, at least physically. My main focus now was the contest. Finally the day had arrived after decades of waiting, the contest was finally here. We were allowed to bring our horses with us, and one companion. I chose Shecora. Gallian did not use a companion. When I saw him before we entered I wanted to demand the return of my child and I wondered if she was well. But in the interest of peace I did not. I would know if something happened to her. All around the maze creatures such as dwarfs, and centaurs, and all the creatures of the wood and the country were all spectators. I even saw some woodland elves there as well. I glanced over to bid them well, but there was no response from them. The maze was a dark and dreary place, it stood now after many centuries where my grandmothers Aristia castle once stood. It was part of the garden of peace Aristia made, once filled with the greenest of ivory and fragrance of the freshest flowers. When Aristia was no longer, my mother Alana created the maze of madness, as way to train her soldiers for battle. In the maze lived dark creatures of all sorts, but mainly dragons and Minotaur’s. It was here the most dangerous beast now remained, oneself. Predox announced the start of the contest and Gallian went into one entrance and I went into another, both at the same time. I turned to the right of the maze, but as I advanced the entrance disappeared into nothingness. Now I definitely could not go back. It smelled very bad, and it was dark in the maze, and I had just come from the bluest of skies. We were allowed to use magic in the maze, so as I rode with Shecora I spoke fire and a tiny fire appeared hovered over my palm. “Keep your sword handy Shecora you never know what’s going to jump right at you in here,” I yelled. “My mother told me stories of the beast that dwell inside the death maze, most of her soldiers never made it out. My mother stopped using it when the ones that survived came out, not the same in mind or body,” I continued. “Some of them went on murdering rampages, some hanged themselves because of visions they saw afterwords,” I finished. The deeper we got the more noises I began to hear. Then suddenly out of nowhere a great black beast appeared, and then it was gone. And then it reappeared again, but only its eyes. No body just eyes, it snarled with a great roar. I blew out the fire upon my palm and grabbed a torch from the black ivory wall. And I spoke and I commanded the fire to be lit. I gave Shecora the torch and she held it has she shook. I gently went for my blade and I walked toward the creature. But the eyes disappeared, but the animal kept on roaring. So I knew it was there. Then suddenly at once in his fullness appeared I reached for my sword and swung it toward the beast. But it disappeared before it meant the blade. The creature reappeared again and this time it was much larger than the first time. It seemed to get larger every time it would disappear and reappear. The creature went for Shecora and she threw the torch at it, but it did no good. It only went out when it hit the creature. Again I targeted it with the sword, and I finally managed to stab it, but the wound healed itself instantly. This was not going to be easy. The beast chased me around in a circle as I continue to strike it to no avail. At one point it had me almost pinned to the wall, I was sick from the creature’s nasty breath, as it roared. I jumped high, the highest I ever did. I landed on top of him and I drew my sword. He kept trying to make me fall. I was staggering, being tossed up and down. I could not keep my balance. He rolled to the ground as I was about to stab his neck, and then he just disappeared. I was in shock by this behavior. Maybe I wounded it, and I thought to myself, I could not have killed such great beast like that. Shecora had fallen to the ground. “Sorry my old friend.” she said. “I did know I could be frightened so easily.”Shecora spoke. I grabbed her hand and hoisted her up. “I understood completely, I was frightened to,” I told her. We dusted ourselves off and I mounted Blaze again. Shecora mounted her horse and we moved on. Through the twist and turns of the maze I went. After a while I did believe the monster would not return. But then there was a sudden whoosh. “What was that?” Shecora cried out. I looked behind us but there was just a void, just darkness. Then in front of me, I suddenly felt like something was there but I could not see anything, just a brief shadowy figure. It was I looking at me. But it was not an exact image. The figure in front of me looked look like me, but was it me or some kind of trick? We stood face to face. The real me had a shock look on my face wondering what was going on, the fake me looked back with just a grin. At the same time we both drew our swords. I yelled at myself and demanded to know who this imposture was. “I am you, no one else,” I said. “But how could this be,” I replied. Shecora sat still not moving, but wondering whether she was going to see herself, as well. The figure did not look transcendent, but a solid figure. We walked around each other. I dragged my sword in the dirt, and so did the other. Then without a word the fake me, her eyes went red, and drew her sword in front of me and moved to strike me. I, at that instant began to fence with myself. “What manner of creature are you,” I demanded. Confusion began to cloud my mind. I kept swinging my sword from left to right; I cut the figure on its arm, it bled, but the wound quickly hailed. I swung again and I almost cut off her head, but it healed. “CANNOT I, NOT KILL ANYTHING, IN THIS DREADFUL PLACE?” I screamed. “WHAT IS GOING ON,” I continued. I lunged at the thing it was driving me mad, and then it spoke, “Are you weary my dear, just give up and all your worries will be gone forever.” I tried to ignore it, but my arms became weak, “Just go, leave. Leave me alone,” I demanded “It is in possible to kill me,” the figure said. “Just go,” I replied. Like that was going to happen. I was determined not to give up, but I could not figure out how to kill this creature of cruelty. As I duct the blade of my enemy, it went over my head, I swung my sword up. And then I gave out a warriors cry, and cut the figures head clean off her neck. Blood as red as a river went all over, I was covered with it. I dropped to the ground as the body fell before me. I was in tears, but also over joyed to be alive. I got up right after the head and the body that was once attached to it disappeared. I turned to Shecora who was so much in shock she could not speak. “Well I killed myself,” I said to myself. I mounted the horse and on to the next task. I look back at Shecora still speechless and I bet full of unbelief from what she just saw. “Are you coming?” I asked. She shook her head yes and her horse went forward. It took a while but Shecora finally began to speak, however she never mentioned what had just happen ever again. I was kind of feeling numb; I did not believe that I was just fighting myself. I still wonder what I just fought and who. It looked like me and even spoke like me, my knees were still shaken. I was wondering where the end of the maze was, I was wondering what Gallian was up against. Did he to fight himself? I also wondered what was coming up next, what creature I would find. I got off my horse and began to walk. I also picked up a torch and I started to scout out where I was going. I moved the torch from left to the right making sure nothing was going to surprise me. I must have walked for hours, there was nothing but darkness. I was growing more aggravated that I could not find my way out. Shecora sang a little here and there, I could barely keep my eyes open. Then in one terrifying moment I was gone. I had step on a dark shadow that was some kind of portal. I slipped down and fell almost endlessly, but there was a bottom and I hit it hard. “What was that,” I shouted as I looked up. It seemed I have fallen into a void of some kind. But suddenly all around me, images of my life started go by. I saw Alana giving birth to me in the Ambrosia patch. I saw my childhood with both of my parents, my sister, oh how that brought me sadness. I saw my brother running and chasing me in the grand hallway. I saw my nanny waking with me the morning before I was supposed to marry Prince Zax, who turned out to be Morgrim.. Then I saw my human life, and images of my long life with Leo, us growing old, and us coming back. I saw images that I never saw before, like Devina burning the village, I only saw the last part of it when I arrived in the village chasing Alora. I saw Alora cutting my mother’s head off. I began to scream. Then I got up and tried to reach out, as if I was going to stop it. I saw my great grandmother Aldora being brutalized by humans, and Cassandra mourning over her husband. I saw Aristia being burned alive, by Devina, and then the great chase I had with Alora. I saw Leo dying as Morgrim used a fiery arrows to first torture him and then a great fire ball to kill him. I saw myself with Vox and then more pleasant images with Vesta. Then I saw Vox turn into Gallian, the night of the attack on my castle. I saw Devina dying in childbirth screaming in such agony. I saw Aristia give birth to my mother. Then I saw Gallian finally slit the throat of Andromeda and then I finally had it, I screamed. “No MORE!!” And images were gone. I stumble for a moment and I grabbed my head and I cried. Then I yelled again, “what kind of place is this.” My voice echoed. Then voice spoke back, “it is a place of remembrance Ambrosia daughter of Alana.” Then once more the images appeared. Starting with the girls running in the rain after Devina burned down the village, Max trying to capture me in the jungle. Then a vision of Vesta as the queen of Enchantia, but that is not a past event, I thought. Then I saw Zax,” what was he doing I thought to myself. He loved this she-elf. But she was not me and they were laughing and kissing. Then I saw Zax and me as we made love in the forest cottage. He was so handsome and so loving. But then I saw him on the throne as a king and rather sad and angry. I knew it he had become as miserable as I have. That image became murky, and I became disenchanted. I was beside myself again with images Vesta, she was relishing in killing people. I looked closer she had blood all over her hands. “I yelled enough! I will not allow that to happen.” At that moment, I appeared in front of my horse. I looked up at Shecora and she looked at me. I was cuddled on the ground filthy. She came down from her horse and began to clean me off. I swapped at her and began to yell “no more, no more.” Shecora backed away. “Ambrosia,” she said “what happened?” Showing concern she tried to pick me up. I got up, and dusted myself off. Then a great rumbling noise came. I turned suddenly and there it was a giant grey Minotaur. He was ugly and roared so loudly it shook me to the ground. I raised my sword and said, “Not this day!” Shecora took her sword and raised it as well, but she sat upon her horse trembling in fear. I looked at her and I knew she was not going to be able to help. So I dashed in front of it. I was not scared of the giant beast, for I have learned not to be fearful. Without though I ran the great Minotaur right through, but it did not even get wounded. So I started to jab at it with my sword but nothing happen. The might creature roared and grumbled and at one point I think he even laughed at me. I would laugh too if a pint size creature were trying to stab me, too went it looked like a tiny pin. Then I remembered Zax saying something, once upon time in above on a tree branch. “Every living thing has a weakness, even a tree.” So I focused and I stood right in front of the beast, I stood still for a moment. I closed my eyes tight and pretended to be blindfolded. I sudden warmth of light began to surround me. I could the warmth of this light embrace me. When the light was gone, I suddenly heard the screams of Shecora and opened my eyes. I was kneeling down looking at the beasts head separated from its body. But how, I did not move I thought. “I must have killed it; I am covered in the beast blood.” I shot a glance over to Shecora and she looked terrified. I knew then I would not be taking her on anymore adventures with me. I was shock and dismay, but I did question or seek the answers for this action. Sometimes you don’t need all the answers,” I thought. “You need to accept all things.” At that moment we both looked and down a bit from where we were standing there was sun light. It was the end of the maze. I started to run with my sword in my hand, Blaze followed, and Shecora rode on her horse. But just before we got to the end, the black beast that we meant at the beginning appeared again. I took my sword and without thinking I began to swipe against the creature. I was cutting him over and over again, not thinking what I was doing. Blood was squirting everywhere. I tore that beast with all my might from limb to bloody limb, I just did not think about anything else. Just before we got to the light, with growl and a thump the beast was dead. I emerged from the maze, I believed it was day, but it was dark out. The light I saw were torches of my people waiting for me to come to the other end. They clapped and jeered. But I was not happy. Battered and bruise at that point I did not care if I was the first out. (But to her surprise she was. Ambrosia emerged at the top of the green hill, at the end of the maze.) I was just glad I was out of there. Then a bright beautiful white translucent light glowed around me, suddenly. I felt free from all concerns and my mind was enlightened. Around me floated little green hills. When the light dimmed a bit I was transformed instantly. My dress now was tight to my body and a golden crown of vines haloed on my head. For a moment I did know what was happening; all the sadness I just felt went away. But there was something different about me, and I could not figure out what? Then I reached to one side of my head without thinking about it. My ears were no longer shaped as a humans, I had real Elvan ears. The light subsided and I floated back gently on the ground. I was elated with triumph. Over my head rested a still vast light and it took form of she-elf, the grassy hills still floating around here starting spewing water down like waterfalls. I thought it was magnificent as the voice started to speak, chills ran up my body. I am Ashley.” I knew in a moment that it was. It was my grandness of mothers. She then continued to speak, “Now you have proven yourself to the guardians of destiny and they have made you whole. Never doubt that you are, Enchantian. Nor should any of them doubt you are my great grandchild. Bless and peace be with you for all time, and your spirit, be like mine.” Then she turned and said “GALLIAN be damned. You were conceived by evil, and you should die with the point from the sword.” With a clap the light and the hills were gone, and so was she. The one thing I hated was everyone spoke in riddles. I was probably the only one, who was direct enough to say what was on my mind. I guess that was still true, and I knew I would always be human. Well now maybe a little less. Back on the mystic mountain the twelve watched as Ambrosia exit the maze. They had seen all on both sides and what went on. They were amazed Gallian was still fighting the last beast. As well they were more amazed that Ambrosia just won. They were in bit of shock. But Simon was in shock the most. But he knew of Gallian’s plan to get back his reign anyway Gallian could, even if it meant open war. But nothing at that moment prepared even the guardian’s what was coming next. Aragoth himself decided it would be fitting for himself; to pronounce Ambrosia queen. Then he warned Simon, never to allow that Predox in this great hall of his again. If Simon, himself did want to be removed has guardian. With warning to Simon, Aragoth disappeared. The hills faded and I was still wearing my royal robes that settled on the ground. Aragoth appeared and told me, I was now the proven queen. He had big look of relief on his face and gave me a hug. Perhaps I was wrong that they were in league with Gallian. He did not explain more, because just then Gallian appeared out of the maze. “This cannot be happening, I am the true heir apparent, I am Ashley’s son,” He shouted. He was almost distraught. I demand that the guardians take this back. I will not allow this half breed to be anything more than a servant,” Gallian said with a ghastly tone. Aragoth looked towards him and spoke, “you have no power here no more, you have lost, live now in peace.” Like I knew that was not going to be that easy. I don’t think Aragoth thought that either. It almost sounded like a dear to me. But Gallian kept going on like he was the true heir and that he would not stand for this. And there would be no such thing as peace as long as he was not king. I watched has he mounted the horse. Then he spoke again directly to me, “and as for you Ambrosia you will never see Vesta ever again.” Then he rode off. I wanted to chase after him, but I knew I could not. I knew that Gallian would not harm her. I did not see that image, but nevertheless that was one of my first priorities was to get my daughter back.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 15:46:32 +0000

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