Chapter_51 The service at the hospital was utterly bad! We were - TopicsExpress


Chapter_51 The service at the hospital was utterly bad! We were Forced to wait in a crowded reception for more than 30minutes before we could get help from a nurse,who still made us wait another 10minutes. 10minutes is a short time,but it can feel like forever when you dont even know what youre waiting for. I doubt mom even noticed that I was annoyed by this,she spent most of the time outside talking on the phone,this gave me enough time to dig out the info I needed from Tebo. I shouldnt have even tried to dig out anything from anyone,I deserved to know what the hell I was doing here! Why couldnt they just leave me in the house if they didnt want me to know? :/ Whilst mom was out,a nurse called me and Tebo from the waiting room. We went past over a dozen wards and whilst facing one of the singular-room wards ,Tebo held me by the hand and told me in a soft voice to be calm. Honestly,this only made me more nervous. But this gave me no clue of what was going on or who we were there for! I didnt even answer,opened the door violently then saw my father covered in IVs and tubes. Thabo was sitting by his bedside,asleep nogal Me- what the hell is going on!? Tebo- calm down! Hell be fine Me- I dont care if he dies anyway,but.. What the hell Is wrong with him? Tebo- he has pulmonary embolism.. But Im sure hell be fine okay? Me- pulmonary what? One of the doctors (Dr.Ofori) walked in,a fat,dark skinned woman with really big ass eyes (•_•) I wouldve laughed at her,if only we were in a different situation! I hated this man,but surely anyone (including me) would have a small part of their heart muscles smashed,seeing one of their parents like that? Talking in a Ghanaian accent,Dr.Ofori explained my dads condition to us. Dr.Ofori-Your father has pulmonary embolism,meaning that one of the arteries leading to his lungs has a blood clot. His very lucky we got to detect it at an early stage,it wouldve killed him Me-what caused that!? He was perfectly healthy the last time I saw him! Dr.Ofori- I understand that your father travels a lot? Thats one of the risk factors of conditions like this Tebo- whoa! Wait a minute,but who brought him here? Dr.Ofori- uhh,uhm.. That doesnt matter! Because of the symptoms he had,We did some tests and detected the blood clot in time Me- but then.. Dr.ofori- hell need a vascular surgeon,we dont have those kind of surgeons in mafikeng Mom came back in about 30minutes after Dr.Ofori had left,she wasnt quite moved by the whole situation. She looked like shed suffocate him with the pillow he was sleeping on,the look in her eyes,EVIL! I could never understand why my mother had so much resentment for her husband Thabo and Tebo explained everything to her,and most importantly,how my dad needed these kind of special vein-surgeons who werent available in mafikeng. Because my dad had ended up in this government hell hole,I was very sure he didnt have a medical aid or something. My dad didnt even have the kind of money that would take him to specialists out of mafikeng,I was so damn worried because if that woman was telling the damn truth,he needed to be treated or hed die before christmas. And all my mother could say was a plain I dont have money for shit .I was shocked! I wanted to cry but my tears had already ran out from all the crying I did this year. This was definately not happening to me,my father wasnt going to die! I couldnt and wasnt going to believe all of this. That very same night,Thabo even came to sleep at home. Everything was sooo akward,I was trying to process everything and Thabo was kinda mad at the way Mom was behaving at the hospital. After tossing and turning in bed,I managed to fall asleep that night. I couldnt even concentrate at school the following day,I confided in Renei about the whole thing. Being a good friend that she is,she cheered me up. She invited me to some event at a nightclub in the area,in a bid to make me release the stress. It was going to happen on the next day which was friday (a public holiday). I thought about it long and hard,despite not being part of the night life,I just gave in anyway. I asked in advance that thursday afterschool,taking advantage of the fact that she had a lot on her mind.and she said yes,My mom agreed to me going out at night with Renei! :D Fast-foward to friday,I took my best outfit with me to Reneis house. One of her cousins drove us to the night club at Around 7pm, we got there,chilled for a few hours,had a few light drinks But those light drinks could never be enough to prepare me for the person Id meet that night ....*To Be Continued*.....
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 19:08:58 +0000

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