Check them out! New find from us here at The - TopicsExpress


Check them out! New find from us here at The Reformation! Minuteman Militia !! Good afternoon Patriots. Ive said on my personal page a number of times, that while my/our voices may be one small voice in the grand scheme. What we do and say now encourages others who think like us, to know that they are not alone, and perhaps emboldens them to speak out as well. Although most often attributed to John Adams, the source is sometimes questioned, but the meaning most certainly is not: It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in peoples minds. I know for an absolute FACT, that what we do here matters. That the brush fires are lit. Liberty is an idea that cannot and must not be stopped, and it is so deeply ingrained in American History that it will not be as easily dislodged as some may think. Over the last few years the Media has failed to report on massive global uprising, and while we are given to the illusion that America slumbers, it does not. WE do not. It is a propaganda that is part of the overall Socialist strategy to feed a sense of hopelessness so that we may turn to Government as our savior. So that we will trade Liberty for Security. Security is an illusion. Trading Liberty for Security is like trading Gold for Paper. We are not Hopeless. We are not Alone. It is classic Marxist ideology that There Is No God. Hope must be crushed so that the Government can be the largest force in our lives. What Party denied God in their National Convention ? In Nature this cannot exist. Every living thing is born with the instinct to survive, and while you can suppress ideas, you cannot breed out that instinct. We WILL survive. We WILL prevail. There is a war on God going on, and while we watch a war on Christmas, and a perversion of the media to portray Israel as the bad guy, and atheists sue to remove religious emblems from our lives, or remove God from The Pledge or our Currency... anyone who knows ANYTHING about history knows what, above all else THIS country was founded on. From the time of the Pilgrims, this country was founded on the principal of religious freedom. God most certainly IS at the core of our ideals, and Freedom, fairness, kindness and justice are ideas that spring from the well of that spark in our soul. As we speak up, others are also reminded that THEY are not alone, and we give voice to that same spark in their souls that cannot be silenced or denied. At this time, be it a gift, or a curse, we see what is happening around us ... and that spark in each of us has forced us to make a choice. To be silent and allow evil to prevail, or to stand up. I prefer to live MY life quietly and to let others do the same. But when that war is brought to my doorstep, I will stand-up. I most certainly am NOT content to be silent and watch evil prevail. Mark Twain said In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” The media scorns us, and our own government calls us terrorists. But men who answer to their conscience, will not be dissuaded from their path. In the end, we will all die. But the most important question is. How shall we live? I will not end my days cowering, and the last thought I have in this world will not be defeat. We may all lose our lives, but free men can never lose what is in their heart. When posterity looks back and asks of us the question.. What did you do to stop tyranny? I will NOT know the shame of answering I did nothing. Be The Militia https://facebook/pages/Minuteman-Militia/448214028617202
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 19:42:37 +0000

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