[Chinese Writing] Writing Chinese characters is obviously MUCH - TopicsExpress


[Chinese Writing] Writing Chinese characters is obviously MUCH more challenging than English alphabets. At 4 years old, Vee still wasnt into coloring and writing. I followed his pace and introduced Chinese writing these few months. Since hes ready, he took to it very well. Every day, he chooses 1-2 of about 5 new characters to write. If he has done a lot of colouring or other writing in the day, he may write only 1 character. Ill demonstrate the strokes in the morning then leave the sheet on a tray. He chooses when to write in the day. If he refuses to write that day, the work flows over to the following day. Eventually, he may need to complete his work on Sat morning. (Otherwise, Sat morning is purely for free play.) After having to complete his writing on a few Sat mornings, we discussed and he realised the benefit of completing his work by Friday. Recently, he often chooses to write first thing in the morning, even before breakfast! Sometimes, he asks for more characters to write, such that I limit him to 3 or 4, to prevent exhausting his fingers and frustration. He also writes lots of love letters to me, and 妈妈 (mummy) seems to be his favourite characters. Weve come a long way to reach this writing explosion stage and Im glad to have followed his lead. :) P.S. He also likes to write 哭 (cry), so ends up with lots of 妈妈哭”. Haha!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 09:01:32 +0000

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