Choosing Between Work and Love? The Best Reasons to Hang Onto that - TopicsExpress


Choosing Between Work and Love? The Best Reasons to Hang Onto that Long-Distance Boyfriend (or Girlfriend) Better opportunities and a bad economy force people to be increasingly flexible and expand their job searches to “everywhere”. Once you get that great job offer or are accepted at the college of your dreams, packing your belongingsand moving away can be an easy decision.In many cases you not only leave a box of booksor winter clothes somewhere in a storage unit or a basement, there might also be a significantother who waves goodbye. For some it’s just a break-up waiting to happen, others are determined to make a long distance relationship work.Even though it’s more convenient than ever to stay in touch and communicate, long distance relationships still have a bad reputation, and weall know couples who’ve broken up before all the boxes are unpacked (or where surprise visits ended badly). Unless you are in a successful long distance relationship, the general sentiment seems to be that they don’t work The Best Reasons to Hang Onto that Long-Distance Boyfriend (or Girlfriend) 1. You have time.Long distance relationships are as not as time consuming as other relationships. Actually, let me rephrase that. Long distance relationships take up timedifferently. You probably don’t have any dates for weeks at a time, and you canorganize your activities around phone calls or video chats. Your evenings and weekends are free and you can easily (and guilt-free)work late, network, take classes, find new friends,andcultivate hobbies. Underwater basket-weaving, anyone? 2. You can be alone.Being able to be alone (not lonely) will make you a better person. You will become more independent both in your personal life and at work. You will learn to make decisions by yourself, juggle schedules and organize time. 3. You can focus.Long distance relationships let you focus on your work or school when you are apart and on each other when you are together. If you have to leave your office for date night while others are still trying to make that deadline, you mightnot be able to relax the in the same way as when you know that you will have a few days of just relationship time while your phone, laptop,and work thoughts are taking a break as well. Long distance relationships demand a big compromise in the beginning, but possibly fewer and smaller ones during the relationships. (Plus, you get to eat all your desserts without having someone poking around in them!) 4. You can find yourself.The 20s and 30s are an important time to find out who you are and what you want to do with your life. It’s not a general rule but sometimes you need to be alone and on your own to ponder the more profound questions of life. Developing your individuality and personality are important factors to make life and relationships work – and it will help both partners. Being independent and having room to grow both personally and professionally is crucial in life.But It’s Not All Sunshine and Roses Maintaining relationships is always hard, no matter how close you live. It takes work, patience and way too much compromise. Living in different time zones might let you (temporarily) get away cohabitation issues. But the everyday things– socks all over the floor, dishes soaking for a week and discussions about toothpaste and hair in the sink– won’t get any easier when they eventually happen just because you chose the long-distance route on the way there.There is no recipe for long distance relationships. Not every job is worth moving for; not every person is worth staying for. Ultimately every situation is different and therewill be sleepless nights, discussions and possiblya lot of missed phone calls. But it might also be a great opportunity so both partners can follow their dreams and pursue their goals – while slowly trying to merge their lives together.Some jobs only come around once in a lifetime;some people make the world seem like a magicplace – and hopefully, if it’s what you want, yourpartner will work with you (and collect a gazillion airmiles) to make it stay that way.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 09:41:57 +0000

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