Christian Alliance For Truth Ministry. The Good News ( - TopicsExpress


Christian Alliance For Truth Ministry. The Good News ( Romans 1:16) For I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Of Christ: For It Is The Power Of God Unto Salvation. The word Gospel is interpreted as the good news. In a world filled with violence, corruption, and evil good news is very scarce. If a person is to fully appreciate the good news of the gospel, one must first look at the bad news. The bad news is God says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Many today try to justify themselves by saying i am a good person, i have never murdered or killed anyone. Surely my Good deeds will out way the bad and my brownie points will get me a ticket to heaven. Dear friend that is a lie straight from satan. Gods word says there is none good, not even one. You see Gods definition and our definition of good is totally different. God is perfect in holiness and righteousness, and will not let anyone in heaven in their sinful condition. The only way a person can become righteous is to confess your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus christ as your personsl savior, that he died in your place on the cross and on the third day arose from the dead. Then to be baptized as soon as possible. When a person does this its God who justifies the sinner and clothes him with the righteousness of christ. So herein is The good news manifested in ( ROMANS 6:23). For the wages of sin is ( DEATH) but the ( GIFT) of God is( ETERNAL LIFE) Through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. Do you see the good news? Every human being who has ever lived has been in sins prison and is on death row awaiting death and execution. But God offers a Gift, he signed your pardon in the blood of Jesus. But like any gift a person must willingly accept the gift. The tradgic fact is most people refuse this life giving gift and reap the reward for their sin, which is Eternal punishment. I ask you today will you not freely take of the gift of God which is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Or will you say no and bare your own punishment for eternity. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should repent and be saved.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 13:46:10 +0000

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