Christmas Christmas is celebrated on the night of December 24 - TopicsExpress


Christmas Christmas is celebrated on the night of December 24 to 25 and 25 all day. As feast Christian , every year it commemorates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth . Originally, there were at that date celebrations pagan marking the winter solstice , the symbol of the rebirth of the sun. The Christian festival was positioned on the same date in order to replace these parties and, symbolically, to associate the birth of Christ to the notion of increasing light. After Easter , Christmas is the second most important feast of the Christian liturgical calendar. That is why Christmas Day is a holiday in most countries of Christian tradition. This holiday allows family reunion around a festive meal, shared worship (masses and religious services), and the exchange of gifts. The period around Christmas is called holiday season when we include New Year celebrations. Since the mid xx th century, this time losing its religious aspect while keeping alive the tradition of the festival. In this spirit, Christmas takes on a connotation folk , preserving the grouping of family units around a meal and exchange gifts around the traditional tree. Etymology The word Christmas is evidenced by written notice as soon as 1112 Christmas (with Philippe de Thaon ) together at the XII th century, we find the variant Nael in the journey of St. Brendan [ 2 ] in 1120 [ 3 ] . It comes from the Latin adjective natalis meaning birth, on the birth (from natus born), initially associated with the Latin word dies day in the phrase dies natalis birth day reduced to natalis by substantivation of this adjective used in ecclesiastical Latin to designate the Nativity of Christ. The o of Christmas , opposite Nael , is related to the dissimilation of the two has to natalis [ 4 ] , first became * nadal (see Occitan Nadau, Nadal , Catalan Nadal Christmas), then * Nathal , and * naal after several lenitions from the intervocalic consonant [t], which eventually totally amuïe in langue doil [ 5 ] (as in Nativu > naive , doublet of native , scholar loan, also MUTARE > molt , derived scholar mutation , Maturu > mature , wise mature , etc.). The umlaut ( 1718 ) on the e : ë note diaeresis [ 6 ] . This is the only etymology accepted by specialists. However many explanations that are not based on any solid argument can be found in some publications, for example: one that sees from the Latin novella new (that is to say, Vulgar Latin * novella , this term does being attested). Christmas Christmas in the Middle Ages was indeed the joyful cry of the people to the arrival of a happy event [ 7 ] whatever it is, but the [v] intervocalic did not amuï in French, of where * novella > new (information); or the one that traces Christmas Gaulish Noio new and hel sun (ie Noio * and * hel ) and mean new sun [ 8 ] or the Frankish neu helle new clarity [ 9 ] , namely the old low Frankish * neu helle , that language is not attested. However, the exact form of the Gallic term is not * Noio but nouiio (s) otherwise novio- , a close relative of the Latin novus ( novus ) [ 10 ] and there is no Gallic term hel * meaning sun the exact nature of the Gallic word for sun, sonno-, sunno-, Sul * or * Swel is certainly discussed, but it necessarily retains the s- initial primitive Indo-European word, like the Latin sol, solis . The invented form * hel result of a misinterpretation from the Breton heol sun (former Breton Hul , Welsh haul , old Cornish heuul ) dating all the Brythonic * sāulio- [ 11 ] contemporary and close to the Gauls, mutation [s]> [h] is a clean rear mutation Brythonic, but never attested in Gaul, cf. * succo- pig, pigs snout, hence French plow (plow) by metaphor intrument which burrows like the animal, while the Brythonic * succo- gave Welsh hwch , Cornish hoch and Breton houch pork. The Gaelic retains as the Gallic [s] initial, ex. : Irish socc snout plow [ 12 ] . The etymology of the Frankish neu helle is equally unjustified neue Helle new clarity being modern German and anyway not usitée to describe this event. As for the old Frankish down, its descendant Dutch, and the corresponding exact phrase would nieuwe helderheid in that language, while Christmas is said Kerst (mis) . The German word for Christmas is Weihnachten and is based on an old dative plural in the expression ze wîhen nachten in the sacred nights, hence wîhennachten > Weihnachten which dates from the time of the Germanic paganism [ 13 ] , where sacred festivals were organized winter nights around the solstice. We find the same transposition of a pagan festival with a Christian party at the Scandinavian peoples in the term that means Christmas : Icelandic jól , Norwegian, Swedish, Danish jul . In contrast, Celtic languages have a term derived, such as French (and other Romance languages), Latin natalis : Cornish Nadelik Welsh Nadelig , Breton Nedeleg ( cf. surname Nédélec ) on a root Nadel- with lenition [t]> [d], followed by a suffix Brythonic. Irish has a shape Nollaig where lenition occurred in the same way as French. So if Christmas is actually originally linked to the rebirth of the sun during the winter solstice, it does its etymology or the Celtic nor the Germanic but to Latin in the Roman cult of Sol Invictus with the official holiday the dies natalis solis inuicti the birthday of the unconquered sun and thats what natalis excerpt from his pagan context is the ultimate origin of the word Christmas . Celebration Most Christian churches celebrate Christmas on December 25 of their liturgical calendar respective, which may correspond to a different date from the calendar year . For Orthodox Churches , the liturgical calendar is based on the Julian calendar , this date corresponds to January 7 of the current calendar year. The Roman Catholic Church , Churches Protestant churches and evangelical Christian celebrate Christmas on December 25 of the Gregorian calendar , which is the current calendar year. The day of the saint Emmanuel was set late in the Roman Empire of the West , towards the middle of the iv th century . It is from the iii th century, some Christian communities seek to be in the year of the date of birth of Jesus. Before placing it on the day of a solar celebration linked to solstice winter [ 14 ] , many dates were proposed: January 6 (corresponding to the Epiphany , the date chosen by the Basilidians towards the end of ii th century taken over by the Christian communities of the East), March 28 (mention in De Pascha Computus a festival calendar dating from 243), 18 November (proposed by Clement of Alexandria [ 15 ] ) ... December 25 marked for Aurélien ( V.270) the birthday of Sol Invictus . For symbolic reasons, and in order to Christianize the ancient pagan festivals , this date was gradually extended throughout the Latin West. In Christianity, this date corresponds to the feast of the birth of Christ, but not his birthday. The Orthodox Churches , which have retained the Julian calendar , celebrate Christmas on December 25 of the calendar, which corresponds to January 7 of the Gregorian calendar at the winter solstice and the Egyptian calendar. Only the Armenian Apostolic Church has preserved the precise date of January 6 as the day of the Christmas party [ 16 ] . Constituent with Easter a major Christian holidays, Christmas has gradually responsible for local traditions blends innovation and maintaining folklore old, as to present the appearance of a party profane popular with many variations in the time and in space. The combination of the memory of a birth facilitated the central role played by the family in the direction and conduct of the festival. The Roman Catholic Church insists, for example, on this aspect since the introduction in 1893 of the celebration of the Holy Family , the following Sunday 25 December. Gifts in the form of gifts, seem reminiscent of gifts made during the Roman festival of Saturnalia in December ( strenae ) [ 17 ] . The gift is present in many traditions, such as serving a meal to the first poor cross in Christmas Day, or the exceptionally generous alms given to beggars at the exit of the Office celebrated during the Christmas night. The Christmas season is very busy ceremonially, has a certain ritual intensity. While we basically live in a market society, there has in that gift exchange something that is of the order of the gift and that is universal in principle they create, maintain and strengthen relationships; they constitute a kind of matrix of social . The popularity of this festival is that Christmas became a surname and first name in many languages spoken by the Christian peoples. Origins No Christian text does not specify what day of the year was born Jesus Christ. Christmas is not part of the celebrations followed by the first Christians, and not in the lists published by Irenaeus and Tertullian [ 19 ] . Since, according to the Bible stories Christmas herds outside with their shepherds, we can deduce that Jesus birth was certainly not located in winter [ 20 ] . In the iv th century, the date of December 25 was chosen as the date for the Christmas party, mainly to replace the pagan holidays that were in use at the time, as the festival of the rebirth of the Unconquered Sun ( Sol Invictus ), the solstice and winter Saturnalia Roman who had all held in the period from December 25 [ 21 ] , [ 22 ] . the oldest document mentioning the date of December 25 is the Chronograph of 354 (referring to events dating back at least to 336). Long before the advent of Christianity , the time of the winter solstice was already a turning of the year, which included many pagan beliefs regarding fertility, motherhood , procreation and astronomy. It therefore gave rise to many events. These ancient traditions have many points of similarity with the Christian festival. Near Eastern antiquity Some traditions and symbols associated with the Christian Christmas are attested in other religions that preceded Christianity: the day of the year chosen by the Church, the cave, the shepherds. In the Mithraic cult , the most important holiday - the Mithragan - was held every year on the day of the solstice winter day celebrating the birth of divinity and the victory of light over darkness [ 23 ] . According to a Mithraic tradition born in Asia Minor, Mithra was born gushing rock ( rock- ) or a cave - eminently element linked to the worship of this deity - while shepherds attending this miraculous birth [ 24 ] in a story that will influence those of the birth of Jesus to the Gentiles to fit themes [ 25 ] , [ 22 ] . It is possible that an older tradition of Mithraic origin and Mazdean , with the mother of Mithra - Anahita (or Anahid ) - as a virgin [ 26 ] has also influenced the early Christian writers. In the celebration of the Mithraic cult, strongly developed in the Greco-Roman Empire to the iii E and iv th centuries, December 25 corresponded to the celebration of Natalis Invicti , the birth of the unconquered sun , who gets his strength back and makes the day night [ 27 ] . In Judaism , the festive hanukkah , commemorating the rededication of the Jerusalem Temple desecrated by the ancient Greeks , was set at 25 months of the ninth lunar named Kislev ( Hebrew calendar ) near the solstice winter. The first book of Maccabees stresses the importance of this date and this celebration. Traditional representations of the Virgin and Child (topic on the childhood of Jesus, not his only birth) draw for their origins in the representations of the Egyptian goddess Isis suckling Horus child [ 28 ] . In Rome In ancient Rome , the citizens were celebrating Saturnalia : first from 17 to 21 December , and later from 17 to 24 December , men and women wore garlands around his neck and offered all kinds of gifts. People sacrificed also symbolically a mannequin representing a young man, thinking transmit vitality of the character to the new year. Note that fixing the date of December 25 solstice winter is due to an error by the astronomer Sosigene Alexandria during the calendar reform initiative to Julius Caesar in 46 BC. BC , which fixed the start of the season with a delay of one or two days compared to the reality [ 29 ] . The festival of the sigillaria , ancestor of Eve , concluded the festivities at the end of December. During this time switching to the new year, people offered terracotta Gift menus, slaves became the masters and vice versa. From the reign of Aurelian ( 270 - 275 ), the Romans officially celebrate the Sol Invictus (the invincible sun) at the time of the winter solstice, which began the new year , announced by the lengthening of days. This cult, which incorporates aspects of the mythology of Apollo and the cult of Mithras , has spread to iv E and iii th centuries BC. BC and ended with the sacrifice of a bull, the Sol Invictus corresponding to the birth of the young god sun who, echoing the Mithraic traditions, was supposed to arise from a rock or a cave in the form a newborn child. In Christianity Catholic Church Advent and celebrations Advent Wreath The Advent is the period liturgy which encompasses the four Sundays before Christmas. Since the nineteenth century in northern Europe, most recently in France, the Christians prepare 4 candles. Every Sunday they light a candle, and then one more each following Sunday. These candles symbolize the light that will be reborn on Christmas Eve. These candles are often combined on the same support, the most common having a crown shape in which the candles are distributed. This crown is called Advent wreath . In the countries of northern Europe and the US, such a crown, no candle can be hung outside the houses of the gateway. It is usually made of small leafy branches held by colorful ribbons. This period was born the tradition of the timing of the Advent : it consists of a large sheet of cardboard precut in which small windows open, one a day since the 1 st of December until Christmas (24 days). Each window contains a sentence of Gospel (Christian version), or a small candy or toy (secular view). From a liturgical point of view, religious communities and some Catholic churches during Vespers before Christmas respect the old big O antiphons and hymn Veni, Veni, Emmanuel (en) [ 30 ] . Usually sung between 17 and 23 December, they symbolize a crescendo waiting on the arrival of the Messiah . Some traditions , specific to these antiphons are sometimes still alive. Among Catholics , the midnight mass on December 24 evening, celebrating the Nativity of Jesus. Traditionally it began to midnight ; Today it occurs more often in the early evening. The Catholic liturgical calendar provides a cycle of four Masses for Christmas, Christmas Masses . The Midnight Mass is the second. Nativity Scene The crib sets stage the birth of Jesus described in the New Testament with some popular symbols added: on a table or on the floor, a miniature barn is built in which the characters (in terracotta often) are arranged. They are the parents of Jesus, the shepherds gathered around the newborn and the animals that accompany them: shepherd the sheep, the donkey that carried the Virgin, and beef which occupied the barn. Sometimes being added the angels announced the birth to the shepherds. The first crib was made by Francis in 1223 at Greccio in Italy ; would have been a live nativity scene, that is to say, played by real people. Since the xviii th century , the tradition of the crib was perpetuated throughout the Catholic world and largely overflowed during the xix th century . In Provence , the new characters have been added: the figurines . They often are the traditional crafts of xix th century or scenes of everyday life in the region. The magi Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar , three scholars of the time of Jesus, are represented on the way to the same stable, but their arrival is celebrated as the Epiphany . They symbolize the universality of the event which is the birth of Jesus. Protestant Church Some Protestant churches also celebrate a cult Christmas on the evening of December 24th . This is the case of the Lutheran churches Scandinavian . But the majority of Protestants prefer to celebrate the cult of Christmas on December 25 in the morning, the same hours that Sunday worship. Evangelical Church Christmas is celebrated by the majority of evangelical Christians [ 31 ] , [ 32 ] , [ 33 ] . It is a reminder of the grace of God and the birth of the Savior Jesus. At a meeting , December 24 or December 25, the message is often related to the nativity and the impact of this event in the lives of those who have accepted Jesus, who experienced the new birth . Symbols and secular traditions Christmas Eve The evening of December 24 , which for Catholics is cut off by the midnight mass is in the vast majority of cases, passed in family . In Japan , the couples usually celebrate Christmas as a romantic evening in the restaurant or at home with family for those who have young children [ 34 ] . In France, three quarters of the French consider that Christmas is primarily a family or business party [ 35 ] . Christmas dinner is the festive meal, made up largely of the Christmas turkey of seafood , from foie gras and traditionally ends with the Christmas cake , dessert shaped small log; the latter is often a jellyroll coated cream chocolate, sometimes it is a ice . This log recalls the old tradition where a big early evening we put the log fire. This log was chosen for its size and quality as it was to burn throughout the evening. Santa Claus Responsible for providing gifts, it is represented as an old man with a long white beard and a red cloak. This image is accompanied by a whole folklore : sleigh pulled by flying reindeer , gift request letter for him, his bag filled with toys, etc. Character of Anglo-Saxon Protestant invention and the xix th century , of Charles Dickens in particular with its five Christmas books, the publication of the first, A Christmas Carol ( A Christmas Carol , in its original version), dates back to 1843. The first mention of Father Christmas in French is found in 1855 under the pen of George Sand [ 36 ] . One of his first performances date of 1868 , designed by Thomas Nast for Harpers Weekly [ 37 ] . Originally the character is dressed in green or red, at the discretion of fantasy illustrators. If it is inspired by St. Nicolas Christian, including his clothes, it can also be likened to Julenisse a leprechaun Scandinavian who had the same function at the party in mid-winter, jul in Norwegian (or Jol or Midtvintersblot is the winter solstice) and helped the work of the farm . Gifts The present exchanged on Christmas Day with the people together under one roof, and in the days with family and friends close. These gifts are wrapped in paper with colorful patterns. They are open on Christmas morning or sometimes at the end of Christmas Eve. For children, these gifts are basically toys and Christmas is the time when the toy shops carry out the majority of their sales. For Christians, these gifts refer to gifts to the infant Jesus by the Magi: gold, frankincense and myrrh. The tradition of giving gifts is maintained beyond a Christian context. Gérald Berthoud, professor of cultural and social anthropology at the University of Lausanne, explains [ 38 ] : The Christmas period is very busy ceremonially, has a certain ritual intensity. While we basically live in a market society, there has in that gift exchange something that is of the order of the gift and that is universal in principle they create, maintain and strengthen relationships; they constitute a kind of social matrix. » Decorations Present, both indoors and on the streets, they give a festive air. They are often bright to be lit at nightfall. The Christmas tree , always present indoors, is responsible for decorating and group them Christmas gifts in families. The first Christmas tree would have appeared to Colmar in Alsace in 1521 [ 39 ] . Some authors make the connection with the mysteries, plays performed in churches or the courts: at Christmas time, it represented the biblical accounts of creation of the world, and included the fir tree of life planted in the middle of Eden. This tree was decorated with oblatas (offerings, small candies contained the hosts), and apple representing the forbidden fruit, object of the first sin. However, the tradition of a decorated tree is much older since the Celts already decorated a tree , symbol of life at the time of the winter solstice [ 40 ] . The Scandinavians were the same for the feast of Jul , which took place at about the same time as Christmas. The installation of this tree is also considered a pagan practice until the mid xx th century by the Catholic Church . Instead, the Protestants will adopt at the Reformation in 1560 as a symbol of the tree of paradise . Banned in the USSR under the state anti-religious policy, the Christmas tree was again authorized by Joseph Stalin from 1934 , on condition of being now prepared to celebrate the New Year . In France, this tradition first confined to Alsace Alsace is popularized by emigrants to the France from the inside after the war of 1870 [ 41 ] . Markets The Christmas market stalls usually consists of wood and built for the occasion, which offer small decorative items, toys and gifts often handmade . In France , the tradition of Christmas markets, living in the east ( Alsace ), has spread to the rest of the country during the 1990s . The Christmas markets generally extend from late November to late December. Society Cultural changes With the globalization of exchanges cultural and secularization of society, the festivities related to Christmas are gradually taking a character secular and family [ 42 ] and are increasingly disconnected from interpreting religious . Christmas is still a public holiday in some countries [ 43 ] and sometimes results in school holidays [ 44 ] for the gathering of families. Christmas becomes so generally a secular festival where members of the same family are found and exchanged gifts with each other in a fairly universal ritual decoration of his house and the Christmas tree ( tree in cold countries or temperate); Installation on the evening of December 24 for Christmas Eve shoes of all family members at the foot of the tree; opening gifts within hours, often in the morning of December 25 ; meal consisting of a Christmas turkey and ending with a Christmas log , etc. This ritual is also found at the level of a local population with the decoration of the streets and windows of shops towns and villages from the beginning of December, the arrival of Father Christmas markets or in nursery schools or in January by the galette des Rois , which celebrates the arrival of the Magi to the infant Jesus . These traditions are widely accepted and shared by the majority of practicing Christians who customize their holy day by adding a crib and, for Catholics, the celebration of the Nativity during the Midnight Mass ; some nonetheless see a diversion of Christmas. Dechristianized, that day becomes for some families, the celebration where parents celebrate their children: they express their love through gifts without reason (unlike birthdays, individual parties, etc.) [ 45 ] , although for the child Gift is sometimes associated with a deemed-compliant behavior [ 46 ] . Other major religions know the holidays where parents thank their children to exist (eg Purim in the tradition Jewish ). But Catholics bodies have long expressed their disapproval at the turn mercantile taken by this party. Exceptionally this disapproval could take dramatic aspects, such as the December 23, 1951 where the representative Santa effigy was burned on the square of the Dijon Cathedral parishioners by [ 47 ] . Many churches do not celebrate Christmas, likening it to a pagan festival [ 48 ] , [ 49 ] , [ 50 ] . Christmas is sometimes considered a commercial holiday [ 51 ] . The massive purchase of Christmas gifts has the effect of a spike in consumption , particularly in the areas of the toy, leisure, the food and catering . In response to this frenzy of shopping , a global day without purchase , most often the scheduled November 25 , is organized by Adbusters to denounce the appearance economic of this holiday, and by extension the consumer mass in general. Entertainment Christmas animations are many and varied. Some are more symbolic and recurrent others such as Christmas trees , Christmas shows and Christmas markets . All have the primary objective of bringing the dream and magic associated with Christmas, partly for children. Christmas Trees Two types of Christmas trees are perceived: Private Christmas trees (usually internal to companies) and public Christmas trees. The Christmas trees are generally composed of private shows and entertainment featuring actors dressed: The Christmas elves , to Mrs. Claus , the Santa ... Public Christmas trees are different: A Christmas tree tall near a Christmas market , sometimes with a Santa who agrees to pose for pictures. Christmas Shows Christmas shows are often denied. For works councils few weeks before Christmas or just for the general public. The principle is to give dreams to children on the theme of Christmas, by telling their stories of life-size, distributing curl; The characters animating this event being disguised. At the Place-des-Arts in Montreal , the holiday tradition consists in the presentation of the ballet The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky in the staging of Fernand Nault . Performances are held from mid-December until 31 December. The Grands Ballets Canadiens have a foundation, the Nutcracker Foundation, which helps children most in need to attend the show. In addition, before each performance, an actor recites the Nutcracker story to children to enable them to better understand what happens on stage. At this point, a draw is conducted among children between 6 and 10 years, in order to choose someone who will play the role of a mouse in the scene of the battle of toy soldiers against the Mouse King. Christmas Markets The Christmas markets historically have crafts dedicated to Christmas. This type of event lasts over time even if the nature of the products tends to become more and more industrial and diverse. History The first Christians do not celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ as do Christians today. Theologically, the kingdom of Christ is not of this world, some as Origen (middle iii th century ) refuse to celebrate the birth as it was and did at the time for a temporal ruler (king, emperor, pharaoh queen ). It took more than three and a half centuries for Christmas as an official religious holiday and again two centuries for this festival is widespread. The beginning of the Christian era For nearly three centuries, Christians seem to have other celebrated annual festival that Easter. Gradually will appear the desire to historicize the birth of Jesus Christ. It is from the iv th century, a feast of the conception and birth of Jesus Christ, translated by Epiphany and Christmas, will take place alongside the oldest festivals of Easter and Pentecost in the calendar Christian liturgical composition [ 52 ] . Attested in Rome during the pontificate of the bishop Frees , a celebration of the incarnation of the Saviour takes place on December 25 [ 53 ] during which the bishop gathers Christians in newly built in the Vatican Basilica, completed in 354 , in a more general framework that appears like the constitution of a liturgical calendar designed to compete in Rome pagan revelry [ 54 ] . The December 25 becomes the commemorative date of the birth of Jesus Christ and the celebration of the Nativity of time will gradually extend, as the Easter cycle with a preparation period of two to four weeks - the Advent - and a period that continues until the conclusion of the cycle with the celebration of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple , which takes place on February 2 at Candlemas . Having no correspondence with the Hebrew calendar, unlike the other two parties thus follow the lunar calendar, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ will follow the solar calendar, which will not be without problems in the determination of the liturgical year [ 52 ] . This commemoration is gradually spreading in Gaul and East [ 55 ] . Middle Ages In 425 , the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius II officially codifies the ceremonies of the Christmas party. Clovis was baptized on Christmas Eve a year between 496 and 499. In 506 , the Council of Agde makes Christmas a day of obligation. In 529 , Emperor Justinian actually a public holiday. In 800 , Charlemagne was crowned emperor by the pope on Christmas Day. In 1066 , William the Conqueror was crowned king of England at the Abbey of Westminster on Christmas Day. In v th century under Pope Gregory the Great , the Midnight Mass is celebrated already. At the vii th century , the use moved to Rome to celebrate three Masses: the vigil (wake) on the evening of 24 December, the mass of the morning and the Mass of the day on 25 December. 40 days before Christmas became the forty days of St. Martin in honor of St. Martin of Tours . Christmas party continues gradually spread in Europe: the end of v th century Ireland, vii th century England, viii th century Germany, the ix th century in the Scandinavian countries , the ix th and x th centuries in countries Slavic . Around the year one thousand , the Church is based on the importance of the Christmas season warlike lords to impose a period of enforced peace, Truce of God . From the xii th century , the religious celebration is accompanied by liturgical dramas, the mysteries that depict the adoration of the shepherds or the procession of the Magi. These liturgical dramas originally played in churches and earn the courts. From the Renaissance In the xv th century, cribs appear in churches, first in Italy and then spread in homes xvii th century. In countries reformed , Christmas celebrations, deemed too pagan feast or too Catholic [ 56 ] are limited. Banned in England from 1647, they are restored in 1660 but remain poorly views of the majority of the English clergy. In North America in Boston , the first settlers forbid Christmas celebrations. The ban will be lifted in 1681. In 1893, the Catholic Church enriches the Christmas season by introducing the feast of the Holy Family Sunday immediately following Christmas. Nativity of Jesus Christ Traditionally, Christmas is the feast of the nativity of Jesus Christ , the memorial feast Christian of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth who, according to the Gospels of Luke [ 57 ] and Matthew [ 58 ] would be born in Bethlehem . Historians are reluctant to share between Bethlehem and Nazareth without a hypothesis to take firm root [ 59 ] . Only the Gospel of Luke recounts the birth [ 60 ] . The Gospel according to Matthew [ 61 ] only evoke but traces a genealogy of Jesus, while the Gospels of Mark and John as [ 62 ] begins the story of his life through his encounter with John the Baptist . According to Luke The Gospel of Luke presents the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth in a parallel implementation [ 63 ] . The story of the birth of Jesus in chapter II says [ 64 ] : 1 In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus, that a census of all the earth. 2 This census first took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 And all went to be enrolled, each to his own city. 4 Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, 5 to be registered with Mary his fiancée, who was pregnant. 6 While they were there, the time when she should be delivered, 7 and she brought forth her firstborn son. She wrapped him in cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. 8 There was, in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, vigils night over their flock. 9 And behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them. And they were sore afraid. 10 But the angel said unto them, Fear not; I bring you good news that will be for all the people, the subject of great joy: 11 is that today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ, the Lord. 12 And this shall be a sign to you. You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 14 Glory to ! God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men among 15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing happened, which the Lord has made known to us. 16 And they came with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. 17 When they saw, they told what had been their said about this child. 18 All who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. » The episode of the annunciation to the shepherds - traditionally despised in the ancient world and considered unclean in Jewish antiquity [ 65 ] - sets the pattern of worship of the Child King discovered by shepherds, pattern recurring in the birth narratives of Greek and Roman mythology, like the birth Pâris , of Oedipus or to Romulus [ 63 ] . The shepherds are also encountered in the stories of the birth of Mithra [ 24 ] . The editor offers the concept of a Messiah hidden powerful and learned and discovered by simple people, whose title Savior and Lord - usually reserved for the emperor - suggest that it will succeed in imposing a peace where the legions of Rome have failed [ 63 ] . Matthew 1. 18 Here is how came the birth of Jesus Christ. His mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, she was found pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit, before they came together. 19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and do not want to defame, is to divorce her quietly. 20 But while he thought, here is an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for the child she conceived from the Holy Spirit, 21 and bear a son, and shalt call his name Jesus; that he will save his people from their sins. 22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 23 Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, whose name Immanuel will be given, which means God with us. 24 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took his wife with him. 25 But he knew her not until she gave birth to a son, and he called his name Jesus. 2. 1 Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is the King of the Jews just born? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. » Herod the Great died, according to sources, -4, -1 and is assigned the episode Massacre of the Innocents [ 67 ] which made him the candidate most likely that is mentioned in this passage. This presentation is an update of the massacre in the history of the persecution by Pharaoh of Moses, though he perhaps relies on a historical basis [ 68 ] . Imprecise Date Main article: Jesus birth date . Historically, neither the year nor the day of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth is known. The Gospels do not give any details as to the date of his birth. The dates for the birth of Jesus of year can range between -9 and -2 [ 69 ] . The Gospels of Matthew and Luke place it under the reign of Herod the Great, whose long reign ended in 4 BCE [ 70 ] . The estimate generally used by historians today goes 7 [ 71 ] to 5 BC [ 72 ] . It is ironic that Jesus of Nazareth to be born before Christ: the origin of the common era is indeed supposed to be the birth of Christ. But beginning of the Christian era (the Anno Domini ), which has gradually become Europe until the I st millennium [ 72 ] , has been set based on the work of the monk Dionysius Exiguus made the vi th century . This work is wrong, as shown by Paul Mattei [ 73 ] . If the historical calendar was clear from his conventional origin has not been changed. Attaching the party The birth of Jesus - the Nativity - is traditionally celebrated on December 25 at Christmas, but this date is entirely conventional and is not regarded by Christians as the birthday of Jesus: they celebrate the event of the birth and not the day of the birth. This is a theological and not historical approach. In this context, the accuracy and matching dates with the historical reality is ancillary. The date was fixed in the Latin West in the iv th century, possibly 354 [ 74 ] , to coincide with the Roman feast of Sol Invictus [ 75 ] , celebrated on this date like the birth of the god Mithras , born on December 25 [ 76 ] ; the choice of this festival allowed assimilation of the coming of Christ - Sun of Justice - to the rise of the sun after the winter solstice [ 77 ] . Before that date, the Nativity was celebrated on January 6 and still is the only Armenian Apostolic Church , while the Roman Catholic Church celebrates today to the Epiphany or Theophany [ 78 ] . The feast of the birth of Christ on January 6, the day of the Epiphany, could originate within some Christian communities in Egypt iii th century [ 79 ] . It seems that Basilidians celebrated at that time the baptism of Jesus at that date [ 80 ] which is already blended with birth [ 81 ] but the issue is still debated [ 82 ] . According to Catholic tradition, the Pope Liberius who in 354 , would have instituted the feast of the Nativity in Rome on December 25 , when the Natalis Invicti [ 83 ] . Many dates were proposed for the Messiahs birth and it is accepted that the popularity of the festivals of Mithras at the winter solstice in the Roman Empire played a role in the choice of date [ 83 ] . The Orthodox Churches celebrate Christmas on for their December 25 of the calendar they follow ( Julian calendar or Gregorian ) and the baptism of Christ on January 6 . Christmas of the Armenian Apostolic Church is celebrated on January 6th everywhere except in Jerusalem where she celebrated on January 19 [ 84 ] . In the second half of the vii th century the feast of the Annunciation (announced to the Virgin Mary in her divine motherhood by the Archangel Gabriel ) is symbolically set on 25 March, nine months before that Christmas [ 85 ] . Doctrinal aspect In a speech of 16 December 2004 , John Paul Jaeger , Bishop of Arras explains the choice of a date close to the winter solstice: The evangelists of which four only offers an account of the birth of Jesus were far unable to locate the exact date. Excellent teacher, the Church in the West has set in 353 Christmas celebration at the feast pagan the solstice winter. The sign is beautiful. The suns rays are at their lowest decline. Gradually the day will emerge at night. The light will triumph. The fledgling Christ is then leased and welcomed as the light that shines in the darkness, as the day dawns on the numb and sleepy humanity. It is a new day that points to midnight. » This metaphor of Christ identified a new light that will illuminate the world is already present in the Gospel of John (8:12). Resumed frequently in the homilies of the Christmas season, for example that of Pope Benedict XVI on the occasion of Christmas 2007 [ 86 ] : In the stable at Bethlehem, Heaven and Earth meet. Heaven has come to earth. Therefore, there emanates a light for all time; that is why there lights joy. » Media Name and Surname It is difficult to prove when Christmas becomes a family name but a trace is found from the Middle Ages . In addition to names from the French form of this word, we must add the names from various local languages (eg Nadal or Nadau in the languages of oc , Nedeleg in Breton) that are also at the origin of names family. Some examples: Robert Christmas knight who accompanied William the Conqueror to England in 1066, and became lord of Gainsborough . Jean Noël, knighted by Charles VI in 1415 and died in Agincourt [ 87 ] . Nedelec is a surname attested in Britain at the xvi th century [ 88 ] . Various migrants in New France are identified with this name, one François Noël in 1657 and Joseph-Ozanie Nadeau (originally from the Angoumois ) 1660 [ 89 ] . In his Dictionary of Mayenne , Alphonse-Victor Angot evokes a Dominican Laval , François Noël writing in the middle of the xvii th century under the pen name of François Silatan . Merry Christmas in all languages In Africa Afrikaans : Geseënde Kersfees Berber : Massilul Ameggaz Kabyle : Massilul Ameggaz Arabic : Milad Majid aam wa said! (Blessed Christmas and happy new year) Malagasy : Arahaba ny tratry Noely In America Haiti : Good Nwèl English : Merry Christmas (often written Merry Xmas ) (US and Canada) In Asia Arabic : Milad Majid aam wa said! (Blessed Christmas and happy new year) Bengali : Subha baradina Chinese : 圣诞快乐 (Sheng dàn kuài lè) Korean : Meli keuliseumaseu Gujarati : Meri Krisamasa Hindi : Meri Krisamasa Indonesia : Selamat Hari Natal Japanese : メリークリスマース Meri Kurisumasu (imported from the English Merry Christmas ) (theーcan be completely or partially deleted) Kannada : Merri Krismas Tagalog : Maligayang Pasko Turkish : Noeliniz kutlu olsun In Europe Albanian : Gezuar Krishtlindiet German : Fröhliche Weihnachten English : Merry Christmas Armenian : Շնորհավոր Սուրբ Ծնունդ (Shnorhavor Surb tsnund) Belarus : Z Kaliadami Bulgaria : Tchestito Rojdestvo hristovo Catalan : Bon nadal or Bones festes Cornish : Nedelek lowen Croatia : Sretan Bozic Denmark : Jul Glædelig Spanish : Feliz Navidad Esperanto : Gojan Kristnaskon Estonia : Haid Joule Finnish : Hyvää Joulua Gaelic : Nollaig Shona Dhuit Galician : Bo Nadal Welsh : Nadolig Llawen Georgia : Shoba Greek : Καλά Χριστούγεννα (Kala Khristouguenna) Hungarian : Boldog karácsonyt Irish : Nollaig Shona Iceland : Gleðilegt Jól Italian : Buon Natale Latin : Lorem Nativitatis Luxembourg : Schei Chrëstdeeg Macedonian : Sreken Bozik Monaco : Festusu Natale Dutch : Vrolijk Kerstfeest Norway : Jul Gledelig Polish : Wesołych Świąt Portuguese : Feliz Natal Romansh : Belas festas da Nadal Romania : Crăciun fericit Russian : С Рождеством (S rojdyèsstvom) Serbian : Христос се роди / Hristos is rodi Slovak : Veselé Vianoce Slovenia : Srecen Bozie Swedish : God Jul Czech : Veselé vánoce (but on greeting cards, using a French salutation probably in use in France in xviii th century To congratulate) Ukraine : З Рiздвом Христовим (Z rizdvom khrystovym) In France Alsatian : Fràliche Wihnorde Basque : We Eguberri Breton : Nedeleg Laouen Catalan : Bon Nadal Corsica : Bon Natale Creole : Good Nwèl (Guadeloupe), jénwèl (Martinique), zwayé Meto (Reunion Island) Flemish (North): vrolyke Kerstfeest, vrolyken Kerstdag Franche-Comté : Good Nâ , knotted Gallo : Boun knotted Gascon : Good Nadau Lothringerdeutsch / Lothringer Platt: Frohe Wihnàcht , Frohe Winachde , Freliche Wihnochde , Frohe Weihnachten Nice : Bouòni Calena Norman : Bouon knotted Occitan : Bon Nadal Poitevin : Boune NAU Provence : Good Nouvé , Nadau or Calendo (in honor of the Roman Calendes January which designated the New Years Day ) Savoie : Bones Chalendes (see the explanation for the Provençal) In Oceania Hawaii : Mele Kalikimaka Māori : Meri Kirihimete Tahitian : Ia orana No. noere you
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:46:23 +0000

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