Christmas Spirit: Take 6. . . . .... . . ....... Back to - TopicsExpress


Christmas Spirit: Take 6. . . . .... . . ....... Back to December: A Christmas Excerpt A Gift from the Heart By Lady of Spain (aka, Star Merrill) Disclaimer: S. Meyer owns Twilight. Banner by LOS A/N: This is actually from my all human fanfic, Back to December. Jacob is a helicopter pilot, on leave, and Bella his long lost love, newly reunited. . . . . . Jacob took me to meet Old Quil, Sue, Leah, and Seth Clearwater, the Atearas, Sam and Emily Uley, and their daughter, Stacie, Tiffany Call, and Jared Pellitier. Did I forget to mention anyone? Gosh, how am I going to remember all these names? Everyone was so welcoming. He even called his sister, Rebecca, in Hawaii, and had me speak to her. He was ready with the camera during all the visits, and took tons of pictures. When Friday evening came around though, I told Jacob, “I can’t see you tonight.” Was that a pout on his face? “Why not?” “I promised Maria, I’d go shopping with her.” He persisted, twirling a lock of my hair around a finger. “I like to shop.” “I know! But, this is a girl thing.” “Will you call me when you get back?” “As soon as I get back, I promise.” “Why don’t you leave Michel with me?” “You want to babysit?” There was that twinkle in his eye. Here comes the punch line. “I figure if I hold him hostage, you have to come home sooner.” “You’ve got an answer for everything, don’t you?” He nodded in agreement. “Pretty much.” Maria and I took Michel with us—and his stroller, so we wouldn’t have to be chasing him every two minutes. We weren’t gone very long, since Maria had all her Christmas shopping done beforehand. I picked up a bottle of men’s cologne—as if Jacob didn’t smell tantalizing enough already—and an album for the bazillion pictures he was taking. I knew he’d appreciate it. As for the cologne, I’d be the grateful beneficiary of that gift. One whiff of Drakkar Noir, and I’d be in heaven. When we pulled into the parking lot, I spotted the little red Rabbit, coming around the bend. He drove up and parked beside us. I laughed, yelling as he climbed out of the car, “Don’t tell me you were circling around the apartment building all this time.” With a big sigh, Jacob hung his head. “Yep, I guess you could say that.” This poor boy! I made up my mind to be good to him, and show him more affection. I left Michel in his car seat for a minute. “C’mere, Jake.” I placed my fingers behind his head, ruffling his hair, and pulling his ear to my mouth. Maria lowered her eyes, pretending not to see us, and walked into the apartment. “You win. You don’t ever have to ask again if you’ve grown on me, because, I swear, you’ve become rooted in my heart.” I heard the breath whoosh out of him, and he lifted me up above his head, twirling me around. Then, in all seriousness, fit his lips to mine. We gazed in each other’s eyes. “I love you, Jacob Black.” “Love you more, Isabella Swan.” “That’s debatable ...” “Yeah?” I grinned; my heart suddenly free of James. “Yeah.” Just then, Michel began to wail, gaining our attention. “He’s all yours,” I teased. . . . . . Maria came with us to the Blacks’ for Christmas Eve. Jacob and his family did their celebrating on that day. Most of his friends I had met the previous days were there also, and good thing too. It made it less obvious when I put as much distance between me and that wolf, Paul. Jacob had me seated on his lap—he wasn’t taking any chances. Michel had a ball, playing in empty boxes, and ripping up the used wrapping paper, along with two year old Stacie. They were already chums. I had to laugh when my son opened his present from Jacob. It was a small set of dog tags. Jacob placed them over Michel’s head, and he wouldn’t part with them for the rest of the day. I was the proud recipient of a set also, only mine were sterling silver. There was a sigh of disappoint from Sue and Leah when the little velvet box didn’t contain something more significant. I was still pleased. One had a white opal in the center of a stylized sunburst. It was personalized with an inscription: Jake’s Girl. The second read: Love Transcends Distance. Below the words was an engraved heart encircling another small opal, seated between angels’ wings—or in this case, pilots’ wings. Either way, they belonged to an angel. It was so sweet, I was blinking back tears. I gave him a thank you kiss, which elicited a few loud howls and wolf whistles. I had to wonder though, how sneaky could he get? And when did he have the time to buy these? My gifts paled in comparison. No one could tell by Jacob’s reaction though. But he probably would have liked it if I had wrapped a piece of day-old bread. He opened the cologne, and breathing it in, smirked at me, saying, “Hooh boy, I better use this stuff sparingly. It might make a wild woman outta you. I’ll be sure to have my body armor on.” Leah interjected, “I don’t know, Jake. We girls can get pretty inventive, when nature calls. By the way, have you thought about a date yet?” All excited, Seth stood and asked, “You mean you two are getting married? Why didn’t you tell me? I’m always the last to know. How come nobody ever tells me anything?” Jacob stammered nervously. “There’s nothing to tell yet.” “Oh gawd, Jake. You mean to tell me you haven’t even popped the question. What the hell are you waiting for?” “The right timing.” “No time like the present,” Leah retorted. “Jeez, no pressure there, Leah. I’m workin’ up to it—is that all right with you?” Billy motioned for everyone to settle down. “It’s Christmas Eve, now. So, let’s all sing some carols, eh?” He swung his arms, leading them in the songs. “Hark the herald angels sing ...” . . . . . “Jeez, Bells, I don’t know what to say. It seems like I’m constantly apologizing for someone’s thoughtless remarks.” “Don’t worry about it. Leah wants you to be happy—they all do. And so do I.” “You do?” “Yeah, I do.” “Hot damn, woman. You make me feel like singing. “Silver Bells, silver Bells ...” I held my hands over my ears, laughing. His singing was atrocious. Then Michel joined in with his babbling. I was licked, so I stated singing too. We were all in the Christmas spirit.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 16:08:34 +0000

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