Christmas in Ethiopia is called Genna, and it is a double blessing - TopicsExpress


Christmas in Ethiopia is called Genna, and it is a double blessing to be in Ethiopia at that time, since one in December (the European Genna) and another in January (the 7th , Ethiopian Genna). I came to understand the word Genna has its meaning in the Greek word Gennao which means birth. Its cognate is Genealogy in the English language. The word has been taken to literally mean field or horseback hockey game played during the holiday. Be Genna Chewata ayiqotum geta (በገና ጨዋታ አይቆጡም ጌታ) . I am persuaded that the root word is relating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Thanks to the Greek lessons I got at Park Street Church in Boston under the able tut-ledge of Chris Lee (thanks Chris for your dedication). I realize many things with deep biblical roots have been changed to something else over hundreds of years time lapse. Especially in Ethiopian Church traditions we have incredible stories have developed and seem to swallow the reality of the original stories. It is perhaps the same here, as we have seen in the West St Nicholas becoming Santa Claus as a Clown running around less of the real person and story, reduced to a person with whom one takes pictures during the Christmas season. I must not lose the meaning even though I very much enjoy getting presents and sleigh rides and snow man and snow monsters. Let us never forget the underlying history and reason why it is so, even as we infuse with mystery and imaginative myth. I immensely enjoy the creative genius of writers such as C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. yet, we are warned that the scriptures are never a myth, they are very historic of the interactions of the very God of the Universe with man who is the apex of His creative genius (if one is allowed to say that). The scritptures say that the one who came to seek and save the lost spoke in the past through the prophets, but in these last days has spoken to us through the Son! We forget that fact at our peril. I spent Genna eve night at Saalitae Miheret (Meaning The One Praying for Mercy) Church and was blessed to find the church filled with the faithful. Check out the pictures I posted earlier with the Icons for the record. I was also blessed to have close family near including my daughter in Addis. This Christmas was very special for me. God is good! All the time! I trust it has been so for many of you, and again Merry Christmas and a blessed Timket, the Epiphany or Baptism of Jesus the Christ at the hands of John the Baptist, where the heavens open and the Father witnesses of the Beloved Son and the Spirit descends upon Him. What a Trinity! Enjoy the scriptures,
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 12:37:01 +0000

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