Civil War fact of the day. On this day in 1864, Gen. Hoods command - TopicsExpress


Civil War fact of the day. On this day in 1864, Gen. Hoods command continued the recent trend of issuing general orders that reminded the troops of military basics. The topics covered on this day included the reporting of wounded, the forming of battle lines, and the fact that sharpshooters shouldnt carry battle flags. GENERAL ORDERS, HEADQUARTERS HOODS CORPS, Numbers 41. Dalton, Ga., March 17, 1864. I. Colors will never be used by sharpshooter when employed as such, nor by skirmishers, as they are too much exposed to capture to be thus risked; besides, it is often important that our sharpshooters and skirmishers should approach the enemy without attracting unnecessary attention. II. The attention of division, brigade, and regimental commanders is called to the fact that in attacking an enemy it is all-important to break his front line promptly, as the confusion to which he is thereby subjected renders it comparatively easy to break his second and even third line, which should always be done by our first line if possible. To insure this it is absolutely necessary that our men do not become broken or scattered, which should be fully impressed upon them. After breaking the enemys first line, and before attacking his second, brigade commanders will invariably correct the formation and alignment of their commands, if necessary making a temporary halt for this purpose, that such an attack may be made with an unbroken front, thereby avoiding the great risk of failure to which a broken line or disorganized mass is subjected. Such attention should, however, be given to the alignment of the troops while in motion as to avoid the necessity of a halt, as a line of battle once engaged should, if possible, press on until relieved by other troops. III. The second line should be kept well in hand by division commanders, and when it engages the enemy the first line will halt, reform, and then follow it in support. IV. Coolness in time of battle on the part of both officers and men is essential to success, as by its exercise officers are better enabled to comprehend and perform their duties, and the men to understand orders and deliver their fire with deadly effect. V. Official reports of wounded will be based upon the reports of the medical officers, for by including such as are so slightly wounded as to be able to remain on duty false impressions result to ourselves and much encouragement is given the enemy, both of which should be avoided. By command of Lieutenant-General Hood: J. P. WILSON, Assistant Adjutant-General.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:51:59 +0000

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