Clean skin: 4 rules to live by Clean skin is critical for clear - TopicsExpress


Clean skin: 4 rules to live by Clean skin is critical for clear skin. It’s the very first step in your daily skin care regimen. Here are four rules about cleansing that will help you look fresh every day. The truth about cleansing your skin 1. Clean skin is not gender biased Yes gentlemen, that means you need to cleanse too. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard from you guys, “But I don’t wear makeup and, when I look in the mirror, my skin looks perfectly clean”. Sorry guys, just because you don’t wear makeup doesn’t mean your skin isn’t covered with bacteria and skin is dirty. 2. Night cleansing is imperative for healthy skin Believe me, I am the first to admit that there are nights when I am just too tired at the thought of removing my makeup, and cleansing my skin seems like a monumental task. Unwashed skin can become a breeding ground for bacteria and it will leave your skin looking dull. 3. Just because you cleansed your face the night before doesn’t mean you don’t need a morning wash too Most importantly, our body, including the skin, works to repair itself when we’re sleeping. During this time, the skin may secrete oils and other impurities that must be removed in the morning as they may prevent our daytime skin care products from working properly. 4. Find the right cleanser for your skin type Most cleansers pretty much provide the same benefits to the skin: they remove dirt, oil, bacteria and makeup. A good cleanser will target dryness by providing light moisture or will help remove excess oils by targeting sebum production. (“Sebum” is just a fancy word that means oil.) Be good to your skin and your skin is more likely to be good to you!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 21:05:43 +0000

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