Clem DeWitt 8:25am Sep 20 A delusion is a belief held with - TopicsExpress


Clem DeWitt 8:25am Sep 20 A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, or other effects of perception. Delusions typically occur in the context of neurological or mental illness, although they are not tied to any particular disease and have been found to occur in the context of many pathological states (both physical and mental). However, they are of particular diagnostic importance in psychotic disorders including schizophrenia, paraphrenia, manic episodes of bipolar disorder, and psychotic depression. (Wikipedia) I have from time to time, stated that in my opinion, Obama suffers a number of mental pathologies, including delusions. It has also become popular, and I would add correct, to call Liberalism a disease. Now Liberals would argue to the contrary and that too, would represent a delusion, a distancing from reality. So in order to correct any thought that Liberalism is not a disease based on delusions, the following is most instructive: Beware, this is a cursory journey into the abyss of mental illness, Liberal style: Former Speaker Pelosi, an easy target for ridicule by simply turning her words back on her, opined in an interview with Politico, that the GOP has problems with Obama for the following reasons: “You know why it is,” she said. “You know why it is…he’s brilliant,…he thinks in a strategic way in how to get something done,…and he’s completely eloquent. That’s a package they don’t like.” Wow. Really? So it’s personal, not policy, as to objections to Obama. Why didn’t Pelosi just play the race card? That would have as much validity as her diatribe of fetid rubbish. Her take on Obama, aside from her minefield of grammatical mishaps, is delusional. Obama is eloquent? Perhaps to her ears, Obama off teleprompter, where he stammers, searches for the next word as he tries to cobble a cogent thought, is eloquent. To me, Obama off teleprompter acts like a man trying to speak a language, English, that is not his native tongue. Of course, he’s brilliant. The truly mentally gifted say corpseman, mix part of The Declaration of Independence into The Constitution, and have visited at least 57 States. Yup, that’s Obama, a study in brilliance. As for getting something done? What? He has been the most hands off POTUS, ever. That’s part of his lead from behind idea of leadership and that is a statement of profound nonsense. How does one lead from behind? If you’re not the lead dog, the scenery never changes and if you’re not leading as an elected leader, nothing changes. Inside The Beltway, where mental midgets thrive in Congress, none can supplant Obama when it comes to living a life of delusions. The list of his delusions should someday fill a medical book on mental delusions, so I won’t attempt to provide them. But the past two days have featured two whoppers that Burger King could not duplicate. First, raising the debt ceiling does not add to the debt. While technically correct, spending will do just that, raise the debt. The ceiling does not spend, Congress does, so here Obama is wholly incorrect. Surprised? Second, and this begs for questions: Obamacare will increase US Exports. How so? We have mounting evidence of the deleterious affects of Obamacare on hiring, on worker’s hours, on their benefits, something many Liberals deny, and now this from Obama on improving exports? That’s right up there with the price tag in March, 2010 being set at 980 BILLION, only to now have it pegged at 1.8 TRILLION. Delusions from the start on Obama, like keeping your coverage and your doctor, are now piled on with export delusions. Whether Obama dabbles in delusions or illusions, or hocus pocus, perhaps even Three Card Monty, beyond fooling the easily fooled Pelosi, the reality of Obama’s world is that it isn’t.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 15:32:01 +0000

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