Cleveland Plain Dealer reports on State legislative hearing in - TopicsExpress


Cleveland Plain Dealer reports on State legislative hearing in Columbus OH. The reporter gave live updates via the comments section below the article. He reported on Zeev Wurmans testimony and Bill Evers. Wurman: STEM readiness under Common Core is not served well by math. We need Algebra II in high school to have much chance for any STEM career, not just Algebra I. Why do people think Common Core is so difficult if it isnt so high? Because Common Core requires kids to explain their answers and to use particular words in a particular way to do that. Actual academic expectation is pretty low, but the approach is convoluted and many people stumble over it. Bill Evers : National tests deliberately try to shape teaching. New Common Core textbooks bring back all the old chestnuts of Progressive education Evers: It is a disaster to teach kids multiple strategies of doing math, which is a big push in Common Core From Evers written testimony, but he did not cover it at the hearing: At least a portion of the national test problems will be project-based, designed to evaluate such skills as “complex problem-solving” “high-order” and “critical” thinking, and communication – all buzz words of Progressive Education in our time. Such testing is deliberately intended by the test-writers to encourage the use of discovery-learning techniques in the classroom cleveland/metro/index.ssf/2013/11/follow_tonights_hearing_on_the.html
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 00:28:05 +0000

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