Cloth diapers saved my baby’s skin Jenni Buckley posted: - TopicsExpress


Cloth diapers saved my baby’s skin Jenni Buckley posted: October 22, 2012, 1:42 pm in: Mom Stories 65 comments Comments 65 Tweet Pin It « 1 When my daughter, C, was born, she was a big, happy, and healthy baby. However, when she was about 2 weeks old, I started to notice that she was developing circular lesions on her arms. I took her to the doctor, and C was diagnosed with eczema. I was told that she was allergic to something in my breastmilk, so I began the long process of eliminating everything from my diet to find out what she was allergic to. The elimination diet didn’t work, and her eczema continued to get worse. She had it in every crevice, all over her arms and legs, on her neck, her face, but the worst was on her back. Her back was one big crusty, red patch. My husband and I tried everything to help the rash. Cortisone helped very briefly, but it always came back within an hour or two after applying. C’s doctor wanted to put her on prescription steroids, but I wasn’t comfortable with that, so I waited. Fast forward about 10 months. I was taking one of the daily loads of diapers out to the trash, when the guilt hit me. I have my degree in Biology and Environmental Science and I felt that I was seriously contributing to the plight of the environment by throwing away tons of plastic, chemical filled diapers. I decided to get over my fear of cloth diapers, and go out and buy a few, at least to cut down on my disposable usage. I bought two, just to try them out, and I couldn’t believe how easy they were! I showed my husband how to use them when he got home, and he agreed that they would be easy to use. I ended up buying a few days’ worth of cloth diapers, and have used them exclusively. Here’s what I didn’t expect about using cloth diapers. Within about 3 days of using them, C’s eczema seemed to be a little better. I didn’t think much of it, as I assumed that it would come back full force in a few days like it always had previously. I was wrong. Within the month, her eczema had COMPLETELY cleared up! I’ve been using cloth diapers on C for about 6 months now, and not only is it easy, and not gross like I thought it would be, but her eczema hasn’t come back since we started. I know C isn’t the only one out there. Did cloth diapers help your baby’s eczema or other skin condition?
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 13:01:58 +0000

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