Co Sleeping Dramas at my house for the last few days. These things - TopicsExpress


Co Sleeping Dramas at my house for the last few days. These things always end up being bigger than Ben Hur with me. I have to say, I looove co-sleeping. Its just wonderful to have Toby right there next to me and be able to soothe him straight away at any time. It was wonderful when he was born too (winter baby) not to have to get out of bed and walk our cold hardwood floors at night but those were the good ol days when he was small enough to fit in his gorgeous co-sleeper bassinet. I tell you, Arms-Reach really need to get around to designing a safe co-sleeping convertible cot cause 6 months is too short a time. So this drama started out by me needing to take off the sliding rail of his new (second-hand) Tasman Eco cot which unfortunately is no longer in pristine condition thanks to my recent efforts. :( With the Squishlet teething, waking several times a night and me with bursitis in both shoulders I was finding it enormously challenging to keep lifting him in and out of the cot over the railing even with it at its lowest. Simple I thought, I will take the rail off and push it hard up against the bed. After over a week of daily meaning to accomplish this simple task and forgetting almost as soon as I had thought of it (baby brain) I took the opportunity of a visit from my wonderful Mum to do what I thought would take all of about ten minutes. Well...... I couldnt have been more wrong. After taking off the rail (yes all of ten minutes) I realized there was a sizable and quite unsafe gap between the cot and the bed where the rail used to be. Hmmm hadnt thought of that! horrific visions of my precious darling getting caught in the gap and breaking his neck or suffocating or OMG hyperventilation, panic ensues etc, etc, etc. OK calm down, hes seven months old and you have managed to keep him alive thus far, you can do this! So I look for ways I can plug the gap. Sheet over the two beds and tucked in to make a kind of hammock? No, sheet doesnt reach that far. Body pillow? no, falls down the gap. Rolled up blanket? Same problem. Ah Hah! The real issue is that the bed is on castors and it moves. Simple, remove castors right? Wrong! Castors are not removable unless you take off the WHOLE LEG. By this stage Mum is helping me and our bed is on its side and the mattress is propped up against the door. OK need to jam the heavy cot against the wall so it wont move and jam the bed next to it with something heavy to stop the castors from moving. I know BRICKS! Go to the backyard, get two heavy bricks, wrap them in ducking and fabric so they dont scratch the floor then put gripper mat under them and wedge them up against the casters. Problem Solvered? Nuh uh. EPIC FAIL! One small shove and the bricks might as well be marshmallows. Short of getting another seven bricks there is only one solution. Temporarily take all the legs off and go to Bunnings in the morning to get new, uncastered legs. So my darling, long suffering Mum (who should have been on her way back to Mandurah hours ago) and I proceed to take off the legs and cover the hard plastic corners of the ensemble base with grip mat to stop it from scratching the floor. Now we see that the base of the cot now needs to be lower but mum has to go and I cant face dicking around with the cot base tonight only to have to put it back tomorrow so I stuff the gap with the body pillow which now fits and it goes OK with squishy only rolling into me twice during the night which the first time he thought was a bit scary in the dark but by the second time was quite fun. I think all in all I got about ten minutes of sleep. Next day Saani and I go to Bunnings to get new furniture legs and there is a whole aisle dedicated to all manner of props for furniture. Great I thought. Bound to be something here. We find a very helpful guy at the trade desk after only about ten minutes searching and he grabs us nine wooden legs of about the same height as the bed legs minus the casters. But of course this is not the story where Imogen gets the right legs and all is well and happy. Oh No, that would just be far too simple. The gauge of the screws that screw the bed leg into the base is too narrow and they dont have any wider gauge. They have been discontinued. W either have to get generic legs, none of which are suitable or cheap and find a way of screwing the right gauge screws into them or buy a length of timber, cut it up and do the same. Hmmm much deliberation and searching of the shelves ensues (and a fair bit of swearing on my part I might add) and we come up with some very short, very inadequate furniture legs but they at least have the right gauge of screw, so we go with them. I negate to do anything about it that night due to a migraine and accidentally falling asleep feeding the Squish for two and a half hours or so during which, Saani, Angel of Mercy that she is, takes pity on me and tackles Mt Dishmore and Mt Washerest. I spend yet another sleepless night with Squishy rolling into me only once this time because every other time I was still awake when he woke up! So tonight was another write off with another migraine till about 9.30 but as the pain haze lifted I though OK, just put the legs on the bed and drop down the cot base otherwise you are not going to get anything done tomorrow. Well easier said than done. Lowering a cot base is definitely a two person job and those bed legs? Time will tell but I think there is cause for concern.Two and a half hours and a lot of sweating and swearing and tears (on the part of the Squish who didnt like having to wait for booby ) later we have a significantly lower bed but it doesnt move and the gap between bed and cot is successfully and hopefully reasonable solidly plugged although I think I will grab a foam wedge from Spotlight and tape it to the bed base and cot mattress just in case ;)
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 16:31:40 +0000

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