Cobi Elliott Reviousposted toKit Carson PTC November 5 at 9:20pm - TopicsExpress


Cobi Elliott Reviousposted toKit Carson PTC November 5 at 9:20pm · KIT CARSON PARENT TEACHER CLUB MINUTES DATE & TIME: November 5th 2013 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Kit Carson Cafeteria 1. Call to Order – President Brian Combes called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes – Motion to approve the Minutes of October 1, 2013: First by Dale Costa and Second by Lisa Petty. Vote was unanimous. 3. Correspondence – None. 4. Committee Reports: a. Approval of Treasurer Report – Kelly Deftereos reported on Financials for the month of October 2013. Over paid Lauren for babysitting, but has been corrected. Current Balance is $13,165.35. Total approved for the Budget $2,698.31. Has not approved the Santa’s Gift and Candy Canes. Approval First by Mandy Combes and Second by Mr. Lloyd. Vote was unanimous. b. Superintendents – Mr. Barlow thanked PTC for the BMX bike riders to kick on Red Ribbon week. End of the first Trimester. Tiger Society is coming up on the 20th of November for 4 – 8 and 21st for K – 3. Soccer tournament Dec. 12th concession will be open for that. Mr. Barlow reported on common core standards. Mr. Barlow showed us a power point presentations to show us what the kids are doing in there classes. c. Teachers – Mr. Lloyd been busy report cards are going out next week. Coat drive starting on the 18th of November. Dance scheduled for the 13th of December. 6 graders are invited. Art contest is coming to a close. It wrapped up last Friday. Tiger society K – 3 will have jump houses for Tiger Society and they will have face painting and they will learn how to dance. 4 – 8 will be bowling in Visalia. Switching to hot chocolate for the kids instead of ice cream. Guest from Student council is Taylor Ramirez. Thanking the PTC for the BMX show and thanked the PTC for the support. d. Head Room – Melissa Goforth said all Halloween parties went well. e. Sunshine – Mrs. Kanagawa said things are all great. 5. At Large Committees: a. Concessions – Bernie Oliveria had the soccer concessions over by the PTC building and it didn’t go well. We will be moving the concession to the ampatheater. Only 3 volunteers for concessions. We have no volunteers for the tournament. Need volunteers for the concession for the soccer tournament. Can use students for the concessions. December 12th. Food is Pizza, Hot Dogs, and Frito Boats. b. Box Top Report – Lisa Petty said we made $221.00 dollars. Lots of expired box tops. Asked if we could double check the expirations on the box tops. Motion for Postage to mail box tops First by Kelly Defteroes and Second by Sheri Kanagawa. 6. Old Business: a. PTC Coin Drive – All jars are out and the kids are collecting. Last day is the November 22nd. b. 501c – Mr. Combes has started the process we should have our FEIN by December c. Christmas Parade – Duck Dynasty or Charlie Brown Theme. We have lights in the PTC room and Patricia Ramirez can get heavy duty cardboard. Put the float down at Hanford Equipment. Mr. Lloyd will call Brian Combes by Friday. Brian Combes will send a text that morning to remind. Wednesday morning from 8am until 12pm work day at Hanford High School shop and then Friday put together. d. Santa Shop – Holly Frago reported that December 9 to 12th would be Santa Workshop. Start with the little kids first. Contract has been signed. Just need to get the parents set on times. Chad Costa will help with the Santa Shop. Any new parents that would like to help with Santa Shop need more parents. e. Special Gift – Dale Costa brought some stuff to show for samples for Santa Gifts. Flat Frisbees $558 quantity 400, Rocket $745 quantity 400, backpacks $557 or lunch bag $928 quantity 400, Mega phone $539 quantity 400, Yo-Yo’s $534 quantity 500, Hacky Sacks $596 quantity 600, Mega phones $401 quantity 400. Lots of great choices. All can have the Kit Carson Logo put on them. Motion to have hack sack as the Santa Gift 1st by Lisa Petty and 2nd by Mrs. Kanagawa. Vote was unanimous. Amend Motion to have a budget for Candy Canes of $650 for Santa Gifts and Candy Canes. Red and White with Blue writing. f. Carts – Ready on Tuesday November 12th. 7. New Business: a. Dog Tag – Kelly Defteros we are short tags by 92. We need $69.00 to finish the tags to the end of the year. Motion to finish the tags. First by Holly Frago and Second Melissa Goforth. Vote was unanimous b. Winter Reading Program – Brian Combes reported that we could continue the program or not. Mr. Lloyd agreed that we should do the reading program during winter break. c. PTC Storage Shed – We purchased a storage shed Brian Combes said he went through everything. Cleaned it up. Now we have an empty storage shed. Motion to let the Garden Club to use the storage shed First by Dale Costa and Second by Lisa Petty. Vote was unanimous d. Teacher Request – Scoreboards for Mr. Benedict. Asking for 2 boards that have cloth type numbers. $107 for both scoreboards. Motion for the purchase of the scoreboards First by Kelly Defteroes and Second by Holly Frago. e. PTC Carnival – December we will start talking about carnival. 8. Classroom Roll Call – Mr. Lloyd Won 9. Door Prize – Troyce Harmon Meeting Adjourned at 8:00 pm Thanks Everyone Cobi Unlike · Kit Carson PTC likes this. Kit Carson PTC Great job Cobi Elliott Revious, Thank you for posting...See More
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 21:26:55 +0000

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