College Republicans Denied Entry To Obama’s Speech…For - TopicsExpress


College Republicans Denied Entry To Obama’s Speech…For President’s Protection? (Whatever happened to the part of the Constitution that deals with “freedom to peaceably assemble?” )my comment Phillip Hodges The president visited the University of Central Missouri a few days ago to read a couple teleprompter screens with a speech on them, written by one of Obama’s speechwriters, probably Cody Keenan. He’s Obama’s director of speech writing. That’s one of the neat things about being president. You don’t actually have to know anything, you just have to be able to read and have a winning smile. And be able to adopt the local accent of wherever you are giving the speech. That’s actually also a tactic salesmen use to buddy up to a potential client. Just sayin’. So, when Obama stepped up to the mic in the recreation center at UCM, he said, “It is great to be back in Missouruh.” I’m sure that prompted the audience attendees to gasp in excitement, “Wow, he’s just like one of us!” If Chris Matthews had been there, he’d feel a thrill up his leg. It was the same ol’ fluffy speech we’ve heard over and over again. The same lamentations about how Congress never does anything, and wouldn’t it be great if he could just bypass Congress altogether like a king or a dictator. A benevolent dictator. About 2,500 people had secured tickets to the event. Even some college Republicans. But when they came to the entrance door, security turned them away, citing “security concerns”. Surrrrrrrrrre: “Despite the fact that the students had tickets to the event, security personnel turned them away at the door to the recreation center where Obama gave a speech on economic policy, telling the group it wasn’t about their politics but the president’s safety…The students, some of whom donned Tea Party tee shirts and others who were patriotic or Republican-inspired clothing, had protested the president earlier in the day on campus, but had put away their signs and said they were ready to simply listen to Obama when security shut them down—and even told them to leave the vicinity and stay several hundred yards away from the rec center. The students had waited in a long line and under the hot sun to wind their way to the front of the line two hours in advance of Obama’s scheduled 5:30 remarks. Still they were rejected.” The people that were turned away coincidentally wore Tea Party shirts and other Republican-themed clothing. Was Obama’s security actually concerned that these white, Republican college students were going to harm the president? I think they were more concerned that these young Republicans might have harmed the president’s image. Since his speech was going to be on the news, they didn’t want a group of people in the crowd donning shirts that criticized Obama and his policies. Security told these young Republicans to stay far away from where the president was speaking, in other words far away from the media cameras. They wanted to make it look like these young college students were all united behind the president. Look how the local news reported on the event: “ Despite delivering his speech in deep-red Republican territory, President Obama was warmly received on campus. Uhh, that’s because no Republicans were allowed in. If they had let them in, the welcome wouldn’t have been so warm. But, they can’t deal with dissent, because it makes the president look bad. So, they use the trite excuse of “security” to get the dissenters to go away. Far away. How’s that for a “transparent” president? So transparent, you can see right through him.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 20:48:39 +0000

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